VM Survey: Charging Strategy - DC Takes Priority!
Clear picture with strong participation in our latest online survey: Fitting for the holiday season, we set the topic "Charging on long distances: DC, AC, or both?". A clear majority prefers the fast charger. 48 percent responded with "Always DC - I want to get there! (47 votes). And still, 24 percent mostly use the DC service and "only AC if possible, to protect the battery. (24 votes). Gentle chargers are also preferred by almost a third, and 28 percent find: "DC only if absolutely necessary - the battery will thank me! (27 votes). We ourselves feel similarly: DC is king, but mainly because the city public chargers in Munich are often occupied - or slow, or both. And test vehicles are mostly charged at the publishing house, where four 22-kW connections are now available. For many, this is in any case the most charming option: Because parking time (at the office) is charging time.
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