VM Survey: Adhering to CO2 Limits - Politics Must Be Reliable
Our community agrees that the fleet limits of the EU should be enforced. Our question was: "The CDU/CSU is for it, BMW is against it: Should the EU's CO2 limits be postponed?" Over two-thirds of the participants said: "No, politics must be reliable - the example of BMW shows that premium manufacturers can also meet the values. The limits are the best promotion for electric vehicles. (69%, 54 votes)." Only a small part supports a compromise: "No, but the due penalty payments should be used to boost domestic battery production and specifically promote e-mobility," say 13% (10 votes).
And only 18 percent advocated for the suspension of penalty payments recently promoted by politicians like Markus Söder, Winfried Kretschmann, and Stephan Weil, the state premiers of auto-states Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, and Lower Saxony: "The CO2 limits should definitely be suspended - China supports the automotive industry with billions. We should not additionally burden our own. (14 votes). In any case, the pressure is increasing on European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, not only from her own faction, which probably sees the future in the past and the extension for internal combustion engines. Meanwhile, the transition in China is progressing significantly faster than expected, with the consumption of fossil fuels recently declining significantly and Europe continuing to lag behind due to delaying debates.
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