VISION mobility THINK TANK: Time is running out – how we can quickly become CO2-neutral
The panel participants moderated by Gregor Soller, editor-in-chief of VISION mobility, could not have been more different: Markus Bast is Managing Director and Director of B2B Sales DACH Michelin, Jochen Berner is Head of Sustainability Strategy at the ZF Group and Christian Eckert is Chief Experience Officer at the icon group: This brought together the tire industry, suppliers, and a purely digital company at one table.
Environmental disasters causing billions in damage now occur every 18 minutes!
The topic was burning – literally: Ever more extreme weather conditions make climate change noticeable everywhere. This makes a rapid transition to a CO2-neutral future all the more important. Jennifer Lee Morgan, State Secretary and Special Representative for International Climate Policy at the Federal Foreign Office, made a startling statement at the Chinese World Congress for “New Energy Vehicles,” which this time took place at the IOAA: She explained that worldwide, an environmental disaster causing damage worth billions occurs every 18 minutes.
Currently, it is more likely that temperatures will rise to 2.5 to 2.7 degrees by 2035 instead of 1.5 degrees, she said. Nevertheless, she remained optimistic that we will still be able to turn things around in time. She sees the 2020s as the decisive decade to achieve this. If we fail to turn things around, environmental disasters would soon reach such proportions that the health and prosperity of all mankind would be at stake.
New Approaches in the Discussion
The panel participants agreed and brought many exciting recipes: These range from completely new products – Michelin is involved in the Wisemo sail, which aims to make shipping less CO2-intensive – to converting the entire production to the pre-product at ZF, to digital savings measures at Icon Impact: “Querying and storing data in a targeted manner saves a lot of energy,” Eckert explained, noting the energy-intensive server farms not only in the USA.
Also interesting is the approach by ZF’s sustainability strategist Berner, that the mobility sector needs to stop thinking linearly: OEM supplier TIER 1 - TIER 2 - TIER 3 and so on… in the future, we need to think circularly and an OEM could certainly become a raw material supplier for recycling materials (the car)….
After almost 45 minutes, there were many new exciting approaches and ideas – all of which can be found in detail in the video.
What does that mean?
The transformation of the industry towards CO2 neutrality is in full swing. One should not hope that one can simply flip a switch here. Instead, it is many small steps that lead to success. The first step was taken a long time ago, and it is exciting to see which steps will follow....
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