Via acquires Remix: Universal planning solution for public transport in focus
The US on-demand mobility specialist Via has announced the acquisition of Remix. By integrating what it claims to be the leading platform for transportation-related planning and decision-making, the "first holistic public transit technology solution" for cities and transit authorities is being created, as the provider promotes. Together, the partners are able to offer a complete package of software solutions for public transit, ranging from Remix's software for network planning and street design to Via's integrated platform for on-demand public transit, paratransit, and school buses.
A One-Stop Solution Draws Closer
The software company Remix operates in 350 cities and transit authorities worldwide, providing services such as the design and visualization of streets and roadways to make transit safe and efficient for the maximum number of people. Additionally, its portfolio includes the modeling of new forms of public transit and the coordination of mobility options offered by both the public and private sectors. The software solutions allow responses to various events, from natural disasters to pandemics, according to the provider. This enables well-informed decisions based on all available data, resources, and constraints, the US partners advertise.
Simple Integration for Smaller Transit Systems as Well
More than ever, cities and transit authorities rely on a comprehensive, flexible solution concept to meet the specific needs of individual communities. Via and Remix's combined platform is believed to allow both small and large transit systems to easily deploy advanced public transit technology, thereby increasing the efficiency, equity, and resilience of their transport networks, according to Via.
The software company employs new technologies to operate public mobility systems and optimize networks of dynamic shuttles, buses, wheelchair-accessible vehicles, school buses, and autonomous vehicles. It sees itself as the world's leading provider of on-demand public transit technology and explicitly in partnership with municipalities and authorities. In the German-speaking world, more than 15 public transit projects are currently underway. These are intended to complement existing route networks with smart, demand-responsive services, as illustrated by the "Isi" project implemented in partnership with the KVB in Cologne or the "MainzRider" in partnership with Mainzer Mobilität, according to the provider.
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