
VCD demands parking and charging facilities also for light electric vehicles

(ots) The signage for e-mobility often excludes small and lightweight e-vehicles from public charging stations! VCD demands a non-discriminatory offering that also integrates "fine mobility" vehicles.

Often exclusive: The charging and parking signage is too focused on standard cars and excludes light electric vehicles, criticizes the VCD. | Photo: dpa/Jan Woitas
Often exclusive: The charging and parking signage is too focused on standard cars and excludes light electric vehicles, criticizes the VCD. | Photo: dpa/Jan Woitas

E-mobility in Germany suffers not only from too few affordable models but also from a lack of charging options. Moreover, many of the existing charging stations may not be usable for some e-vehicles—specifically those small and lightweight e-mobiles that are particularly environmentally friendly but do not have an e-license plate. This is criticized by Michael Müller-Görnert, transport policy spokesman of the ecological traffic club VCD. He calls for clear and non-discriminatory labeling of the public charging infrastructure. Blocked charging stations and parked parking spaces are a daily annoyance for e-vehicle users. In order for illegal parking to be penalized, the parking spaces at the stations must be clearly marked legally— and according to Müller-Görnert, there is a lot wrong here.

Signage often contradictory

Because the signage is often contradictory and even excludes many e-vehicles. Quite against its purpose. The problem: additional signs such as the symbolic image "car with a plug" created in the Electromobility Act (EmoG) only apply to vehicles with e-license plates. Electric vehicles of class L6e—certain e-scooters and lightweight e-mobiles—often do not have an e-license plate and are therefore excluded from using these charging points.

"This practice specifically disadvantages a growing group of particularly environmentally friendly vehicles, the so-called light mobiles. And this contradicts climate protection and the transport turnaround," criticizes Michael-Müller Görnert, transport policy spokesman of the VCD.


The signage practice at charging stations must change so that all electric vehicles have access, says Müller-Görnert: "Instead of the additional sign 'Car with plug,' we recommend the additional sign 1050-32 for 'Electric vehicles during the charging process' - this allows all electric vehicles, regardless of the license plate, to park while charging; vehicles without an electric drive are excluded." Müller-Görnert calls on the responsible authorities to review their signage at public charging stations and adapt it so that non-discriminatory use for all electric vehicles becomes possible.

"This would make the existing charging infrastructure more usable and thus not only promote electromobility but also advance climate protection."

Translated automatically from German.

