
Uscale Survey: Open to Variable Charging Rates if the Price is Right

Electric car drivers expect noticeable price differences from variable tariffs, according to a new study. And they fear that they will ultimately pay more than with fixed fees. Nearly 40 percent expect a discount of 10 to 14 ct/kWh.

Flexible charging: The willingness to charge based on the time of day and thereby save money is present in about one-third of people - but it depends on the price differences. | Photo: Uscale/Adobe
Flexible charging: The willingness to charge based on the time of day and thereby save money is present in about one-third of people - but it depends on the price differences. | Photo: Uscale/Adobe

For the switch to variable tariffs to be worthwhile for electric car drivers, prices within the tariff must differ noticeably. This is one of the findings of the Smart Charging Study 2024, conducted by the Stuttgart-based market research company UScale at the end of last year. According to legislators, all energy providers must have dynamic tariffs in their programs by 2025. Now, it's about convincing customers of the idea, the analysts outline the background. A particularly interesting target group for variable tariffs is EV drivers who can reduce their electricity costs through adjusted charging behavior. The central question of the study was how EV drivers even feel about dynamic electricity tariffs.

A discount of 14 ct/kWh is expected

The evaluation of the results shows that 39% of the respondents expect at least a 10 to 14 cent discount per kWh. For 27% of the respondents, less is sufficient. All others expect an even greater price spread to engage with the conditions of a variable electricity contract. When asked about possible motives for switching to variable tariffs at home, 78% of EV drivers mention the possibility of saving. Besides the monetary aspects, other motives also play an important role: For 80% of the respondents, the relief effect on the power grid and for 58%, the increase in the share of green electricity in consumption is an important reason for switching. Thus, awareness of the energy-related connections between electromobility and renewable energy is high among current eCar drivers. Only 2% of the respondents state that they see no advantages in the new tariffs.

“Variable tariffs are an important building block for the energy transition. However, customer enthusiasm is lower than we expected despite generally high electricity prices in Germany. The main reason is the so-called charging jungle, which many eCar drivers still complain about. While the tariff landscape became simpler over the years with the disappearance of time tariffs, it is now becoming more complicated again with variable tariffs,” says Axel Sprenger, founder and managing director of Uscale GmbH.

Concern about Additional Cost with Static Tariff

However, when asked about the disadvantages of variable tariffs at home, nearly half express concern about ending up paying more than with a static tariff. Additionally, respondents fear that charging with fluctuating tariffs will become overall more complicated. Others worry that prices will become more confusing. For variable tariffs for public charging, EV users cite similar advantages. However, significantly more disadvantages are mentioned for public spaces. For example, 64% fear that charging prices will become more confusing. 58% are concerned about ending up paying more than with static tariffs. 53% fear that variable tariffs will make charging even more complicated overall.

What Criteria Cause Price Fluctuations?

Apart from noticeable price differences within the tariff, the question of what criteria cause price fluctuations is important for customers. For variable electricity prices at home, current EV users show the highest interest in tariffs that vary depending on the time of day or the availability of green electricity, such as wind and solar power. In contrast, interest in dynamic tariffs depending on stock exchange rates is significantly lower. Public charging offers numerous other possibilities for managing variable electricity prices. These include variable prices depending on the operator, utilization, or location. All of these are rated as highly attractive by only about one in four.

Conclusion: Dependent on Personal Perception

Whether variable tariffs are an option for a customer depends on their personal perception of the advantages and disadvantages. The study shows that in the end, nearly one in three is reachable for variable tariffs at home. For variable tariffs for public charging, it looks significantly more critical. Given the many disadvantages, only one in six is successfully approachable. Therefore, variable tariffs will not be a self-starter.

“The high resistance can be overcome. If the price differences are large enough and providers ensure transparency and ease of use, variable tariffs can be successful. Other European countries are already one step ahead. An example is Spain: Since 2021, electricity prices have fluctuated significantly depending on the time of day. Therefore, 40% of Spanish eMobilists align their charging behavior with the time of day," explains Sprenger further.

The market researcher surveyed a total of 2,001 e-car drivers from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland online about their attitudes towards smart charging in November 2023. In addition to variable tariffs, the acceptance of bi-directional charging on the grid and vehicle-to-home solutions was also determined. The study was conducted for the second time since 2021 and helps providers in developing variable tariff models and offers.

Translated automatically from German.

