
TYNe opens first showroom in Schorndorf

At the birthplace of Gottlieb Daimler, the e-van startup from Swabia opens its first branch. And it is met with great interest. The pick-up is shown for the first time.

Big buzz around a small e-van: The first showroom of the young brand TYNe opened in Schorndorf. | Photo: TYNe
Big buzz around a small e-van: The first showroom of the young brand TYNe opened in Schorndorf. | Photo: TYNe

The Swabian E-van start-up TYNe, a joint venture between Weber Mobility GmbH and shareX Mobility AG, has opened its first showroom in Schorndorf and unveiled a new flatbed version. TYNe CEO Markus Graf expressed a positive outlook on the market launch of the new provider. "Everything is moving faster than planned for a 'cautiously operating Swabian company,'" he explained. In the birthplace of Gottlieb Daimler near Stuttgart, in the presence of First Mayor Thorsten Englert, the inauguration of the showroom also saw the signing of the first dealer contract by Markus Graf with car dealership manager Christina Parente. The new open variant, TYNe Flatbed, also attracted great interest. It was loaded with bulk goods in the form of hundreds of oranges. The box variant was also well received, showcased in a craftsman version with a roof rack.

Mayor Englert found the vehicle interesting not only because of its environmentally friendly electric drive: After all, the city administration and town council need to give considerable thought to the future traffic situation in the city. What convinced him in particular was that the van, at just under 1.50 meters in width, fits through the entrance door without any modifications.

Christina Parente was also the initiator for the showroom, expressing her enthusiasm for the concept of the TYNe and praising the sustainable and minimalist approach of the E-Van as well as the demeanor of the Waiblingen car manufacturer. In a pleasant atmosphere, customers will be able to get information in the future; they want to offer a "new car dealership experience." And the idea of bringing the showroom to life with a new shopping experience, thereby enlivening the city, is a gain for Schorndorf. He wished Autohaus Parente and TYNe much luck with the new showroom.

Translated automatically from German.

