
Traton invests in electromobility

With a total of €1.6 billion, the spun-off VW truck subsidiary is providing massive investments in research and development until 2025.

Traton is betting everything on electric mobility and will treat hydrogen drives in commercial vehicles only as a niche in the future. (Photo: Traton SE)
Traton is betting everything on electric mobility and will treat hydrogen drives in commercial vehicles only as a niche in the future. (Photo: Traton SE)
Johannes Reichel
von Claus Bünnagel

The Traton Group is consistently aligning itself with the transition to electric drives. A total of 1.6 billion euros will flow into research and development for e-mobility by 2025, as the commercial vehicle manufacturer has now decided. Previously, 1 billion euros was planned for e-mobility by 2025. At the same time, Traton is reducing investments in conventional drives – to less than one-fifth of product development in 2025. This will double the share for e-mobility during this period. 

Traton is clearly focusing on the electric truck. The transition will not happen overnight. But step by step. Sustainably and in line with the necessary network expansion. Because it won’t work without charging infrastructure. (Matthias Gründler, CEO of Traton SE)

2025: 50% of MAN buses with alternative drive

The Traton brands have already set concrete goals for the years 2025 and 2030: By 2025, vehicles with e-drives will account for around 10% of Scania's sales in Europe. At the same time, half of MAN's new buses will have an alternative drive. However, this naturally also includes CNG buses, which in their overall energy balance are hardly more environmentally friendly than their diesel counterparts. Traditionally, MAN is strong in the area of gas engines.

By 2030, every second Scania vehicle sold will have an e-drive. At MAN, at least 60% of trucks for delivery traffic and 40% of trucks for long-distance traffic will be emission-free by then. 

Hydrogen only for the niche

In terms of alternative drives, Traton is focusing on battery-electric vehicles. However, hydrogen technology can certainly bring its advantages to bear in niches. In truck traffic, especially on long-distance routes, pure electric trucks form the more cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution compared to hydrogen trucks in most cases.

Because the hydrogen truck has a significant disadvantage compared to the purely battery-electric e-truck: only a quarter of the initial energy ultimately flows into the drive. Three-quarters are lost from the energy source to the road – with the e-truck, the ratio is reversed. (Gründler)

The often expressed opinion that hydrogen trucks are for long distances and e-trucks only for short distances is not correct in the view of the Traton CEO. What is crucial for the economic efficiency of an e-truck and the amortization of its batteries is rather a regular, intensive use. This is particularly given in heavy long-distance transport. The hydrogen commercial vehicle is also likely to establish itself in the market over the next ten years – for example with long-distance coaches that cannot yet be sufficiently charged during short stops. In regions with particularly cheap green hydrogen – e.g. near North Sea wind farms or import ports – hydrogen trucks could also play a role.

Translated automatically from German.

