Tesla factory manager calls for deforestation in Grünheide
The head of the Tesla factory in Grünheide has advocated for deforestation so that cars can be transported from the factory by rail in the future. If the people in Grünheide decide in favor of expanding the factory, fewer trucks would have to be on the roads, said André Thierig to the "Potsdamer Neuen Nachrichten".
The expansion of the factory is necessary to position the factory better logistically. Currently, a citizen survey on the expansion plans is taking place, which ends on February 16. It is intended to be a basis for decisions by the municipal council. The development plan for the expansion of the site has not yet been approved. The decision of the municipal council is expected in the second quarter. About a year ago, there was a majority in favor of drawing up a new development plan.
“We are currently handling all our freight transport by road, both the supply of production parts and the removal of new vehicles. We want to largely shift this to rail,” said Thierig. “For that, we need the freight station. We are planning additional logistics areas there to stock more parts, but also social facilities.”
Production in Grünheide is currently largely halted. According to Tesla, the reason is a gap in the supply chain of components as a result of attacks by the Yemeni Houthi militia on ships in the Red Sea. According to Thierig, maintenance work is currently being carried out, among other things. In addition, employees are being trained. Production is to resume in full from Monday. Recently, more than 6,000 cars were being built per week.
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