
Study: Climate Neutrality Achievable by 2045 - If the Transportation Sector Cooperates

Think Tanks Agora and Stiftung Klimaneutralität consider a CO2-neutral Germany by 2045 to be possible - and an industrial policy opportunity with eco-technologies and if the transport sector participates.

Pioneering: A study by Agora and the Foundation for Climate Neutrality definitely sees the possibility of being CO2-neutral by 2045 - and also sees it as an opportunity for Germany as a business location. | Photo: Screenshot
Pioneering: A study by Agora and the Foundation for Climate Neutrality definitely sees the possibility of being CO2-neutral by 2045 - and also sees it as an opportunity for Germany as a business location. | Photo: Screenshot

The think tanks Agora Energiewende, Agora Verkehrswende, and the Climate Neutrality Foundation have investigated the possibilities for climate neutrality in Germany in a new study and now consider it possible by 2045. However, all technological possibilities must be utilized, and especially the energy and transport sectors must realize their potential. An accelerated transformation is particularly possible from 2030 onwards. The fundamental premises of the 2050 predecessor study remain valid, according to the scientists of the study, which was created by the Prognos Institute, the Öko-Institut, and the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy. The path is realistic, and the target is achievable within usual investment and life cycles while maintaining economic viability and social acceptance.

"The core message is: The industrial location remains," explained Agora head Patrick Graichen to the Süddeutsche Zeitung, thereby preventing any attempts to pit climate change against economic recovery.

The premise is that a trend reversal will take place in transportation by 2030. Personal mobility will remain fully intact but will change, as the scientists formulate in a summary.

"People will use public transportation, bicycles, and walk significantly more. By 2030, there will be 14 million electric cars (including plug-in hybrids) in the inventory. Goods will be increasingly transported by rail, and almost a third of the road freight transport will be carried out by electric trucks using batteries, overhead lines, and fuel cells," the researchers outline the path.

Disarming: "Path Without Mandated Behavioral Changes"

Furthermore, they describe a path "without mandated behavioral changes," as the authors emphasize. They actually predict ongoing behavioral changes among consumers, such as in meat consumption. Graichen even considers faster transformation in global competition to be an advantage for the German industry, which would save the atmosphere around one billion tons of CO2 in total. Essential levers for additional acceleration are still seen in faster expansion of renewable energies, quicker ramp-up of hydrogen technology, accelerated electrification in transportation, further strengthening of building renovations, and larger market shares of plant-based instead of animal protein products after 2030, i.e., in the nutrition sector.

"The answer to the question of whether we can achieve climate neutrality before 2050 is a clear 'Yes'. Germany would thereby have the chance to become the leading market and provider for climate protection technologies in the global dynamic towards climate neutrality. Whether we will already be climate neutral by 2045 is ultimately a question of our collective political will and our capability for societal design," the scientists summarize their findings, which are likely to spark conversation just in time for the heated phase of the federal election campaign.

It was already clear in the first 2050 study that to reach this goal, the last coal-fired power plants would have to be shut down by 2030, not as agreed in the Coal Exit Law by 2038. The share of renewables would then have to be at 70 percent, primarily from wind and solar, which would have to be massively ramped up. Solar energy would need to double its deployment rate, and wind energy would need to increase steadily but continuously, without periods of stagnation as seen in recent years.

Electric Power Speed: 14 Million E-Cars and 6 Million Heat Pumps

This would not least support the 14 million electric cars expected by 2030, including six million heat pumps. Road freight transport would need to be 25 percent emission-free. In the industry, fossil fuels would have to be replaced by green hydrogen, giving renewables a key role. This could also be used in airplanes, ships, or heavy trucks, making freight transport more climate-friendly. Additionally, technologies like Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) from the atmosphere and storage for emissions that currently cannot be avoided, such as in agriculture, would come into play.

The head of the Climate Neutrality Foundation and former state secretary for the environment and economy, Rainer Baake, diagnosed a race against time. From his perspective, it is about the "right mix of speed and realism." The focus on technologies to solve the climate crisis demands speed.

"Those who run at a leisurely pace do not gain any lead," warned the former top official.

Translated automatically from German.

