Scientific Service evaluates hesitant traffic transition as a legal violation
According to the assessment of the Scientific Services in the Bundestag, the previous hesitant and insufficient measures of the Federal Ministry of Transport towards the transport transition constitute a legal violation. This is suggested by an analysis of the services, as reported by Spiegel Online. The federal government must make decisions more quickly in the transport sector that are suitable to close the emissions gap of 120 to 170 million tons of CO2 by 2030 to meet climate targets. According to the analysis, the formula "as quickly as possible," as stipulated by the Climate Protection Act of the grand coalition of 2019, means implementation "to the exclusion of other significant concerns." A six-month deadline was considered "reasonable."
The Federal Environment Agency had already identified the insufficient implementation in March 2021. The subsequent "immediate measures" were also deemed completely insufficient by the government's expert council. As a final extension, the overarching Climate Protection Ministry led by Robert Habeck (Greens) granted the Transport Ministry, which is obligated to create an adequate program, a deadline until spring.
Now, the opposition, in the form of the Union faction, is also demanding an appropriate immediate program. The Chancellor has long been called upon, said Thomas Gebhardt, chairman of the Climate and Energy Committee. Recently, the Green faction in the Bundestag also put pressure on the Transport Minister with a "starter package for the transport transition", which among other things demands the immediate elimination of fossil fuel subsidies, the introduction of mobility budgets, the expansion of charging infrastructure, CO2 differentiation of the truck toll, and an e-bonus for trucks, as well as a speed limit and a CO2-based reform of the vehicle tax.
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