Power2Drive: Juice Technology presents bidirectional AC booster
The Juice Technology AG is presenting its mobile bidirectional AC charging station for the first time at Power2Drive Europe in Munich (June 19 to 21, 2024), based on the globally used Juice Booster (Hall C6, Stand C6.516). The advantage compared to bidirectional DC charging stations: It is significantly cheaper, which could allow the Juice innovation to overcome the financial hurdle that has so far hindered the further development of bidirectional charging. In addition to plug adapters, socket adapters can also be connected to the bidirectional variant.
Manageable Market Situation
The AC solutions available on the market so far are often cumbersome and usually require additional devices such as dongles or adapters. Moreover, they are mostly isolated solutions for specific applications like Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-Load (V2L), or Vehicle-to-Home (V2H). The market situation is generally quite manageable, particularly the offering for Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) is very limited.
Juice has set itself the goal of overcoming this fragmentation and has developed a comprehensive, future-proof, and cost-effective solution that covers all uni- and bidirectional charging scenarios with a single device. This can continue to be used as a mobile charging station at over 35 different sockets as usual. The development has already taken future norms and standards into consideration to facilitate the use and integration of this technology.
Initiative for Partnerships and Standards
For a future-proof bidirectional AC solution, Juice considers the early involvement of all relevant stakeholders to be crucial so that new communication standards can be established.
“Our goal is to unite all functions in one device," explains CEO and founder Christoph Erni. "Therefore, partnerships for the further development of our bidirectional solution, especially for the feedback of stored energy to the grid (V2G), are indispensable. Now we want to bring even more stakeholders on board to develop new standards and norms together with OEMs (automotive manufacturers) and utility companies (EVU)."
Initial development partnerships with OEMs and utility companies have already been concluded. According to Juice, these cooperations are essential to ensure that the bidirectional AC solution can be recognized and interpreted by all vehicle models regardless of the brand. With two representatives in the relevant standards committees for fixed and mobile charging stations – including a specialist in electrical engineering and the CEO himself – Juice already plays an important role in the standardization of the electromobility industry.
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