Power2Drive 2023: New Awards for TWAICE, paXos, and Hive Power
For the first time, the Power2Drive Awards were presented at the trade fair of the same name, which starts today in Munich, recognizing innovations in the field of e-mobility and charging technology. The awards were given to the Swiss company Hive Power, paXos Consulting & Engineering from Cologne, and TWAICE Technologies from Munich. The developments significantly contribute to the mobility transition by making zero-emission mobility possible and attractive, praised the organizer and promoter of the award, Solar Promotion. The multi-exhibition event The smarter E Europe, comprising four trade fairs—Intersolar Europe, ees Europe, Power2Drive Europe, and EM-Power Europe—will take place from June 14 to 16 at the Munich exhibition grounds. An international expert jury reviewed the award submissions and honored three companies with the innovation prize for their forward-looking solutions. The winners were celebrated at the International Congress Center Munich (ICM), together with the winners of The smarter E AWARD, the Intersolar AWARD, the ees AWARD, and – also for the first time – the EM-Power AWARD.
Hive Power: Vehicle as Storage
The Swiss company Hive Power, founded in 2017, develops charging and export solutions for the power grids of tomorrow. The now-awarded Software-as-a-Service platform FLEXO Smart Charge offers advanced Vehicle-to-Grid ("from vehicle to public grid") functions, optimized charging, and detailed cost-benefit analyses for EV fleet managers and OEMs. Using cloud-based learning, it aggregates electric vehicle fleets and integrates them into energy markets – maximizing the profitability of the Vehicle-to-Grid business model and minimizing operating costs. The hardware-independent platform is also designed for dynamic, load-variable electricity rates. Through a user-friendly app, it informs electric vehicle owners about their earnings and optimizes charging times and costs. The jury was particularly impressed that Hive Power's solution increases the economic efficiency of e-vehicles while simultaneously creating reliable and environmentally friendly energy networks.
paXos: Megawatt Charging for Commercial Vehicles Becomes Reality
paXos Consulting & Engineering from Cologne develops innovative technologies for renewable energy and electromobility. The company was awarded for the innovative charging plug Cool-Load Megawatt. The charging plug is one of the few of its kind that can provide up to twelve megawatts (MW) of power with an efficiency of 99.78 percent – making fast charging easy, whether for electric trucks, buses, construction machinery, or heavy-duty applications in ship and aviation. A ring-shaped, radial connection between plug and socket ensures low transition resistance and direct cooling. This leads to significant energy savings and allows up to 100,000 charging cycles. The expert jury was convinced: the slim, compact design can be scaled to a capacity of 40 MW in the future, according to the manufacturer, making it pioneering for a new generation of electric vehicles that require maximum charging speed and efficiency.
TWAICE: Examining the Cells
The Munich company TWAICE Technologies impressed the expert jury with its software solution for EV batteries and also received the Power2Drive AWARD for it. "Mobility In-life Battery Health Analytics" offers manufacturers of electric vehicles, service staff, and fleet owners detailed insights into the battery condition (State-of-Health) and aging forecasts. "The analysis software, using artificial intelligence, makes e-car batteries transparent and valuable assets, maximizes their lifespan, and reduces maintenance, warranty, and replacement costs," said the expert jury. The cloud-based platform guarantees an accuracy of two percent, is easy to scale, and can be integrated into existing hardware systems. Additionally, TWAICE cooperates with the reinsurance company Munich Re and supports fleet owners with reliable battery status information to make informed business decisions on the secondary market.
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