
Planning Tool: Assessing the Potential of Cargo Bikes

Scientists at the Technical University of Munich and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt are working on a planning tool designed to assess the potential of using cargo bikes in parcel delivery.

Can a cargo bike relieve the delivery traffic in my city? To be able to better answer this question in the future, a research team from the Technical University of Munich and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt has developed a corresponding planning aid. (Symbol image: OceanProd/Adobe Stock)
Can a cargo bike relieve the delivery traffic in my city? To be able to better answer this question in the future, a research team from the Technical University of Munich and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt has developed a corresponding planning aid. (Symbol image: OceanProd/Adobe Stock)
von Sandra Lehmann

Cargo bikes could play a significantly larger role in parcel delivery in city centers than previously thought. This is shown by a new study from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU), based on the examples of Munich and Regensburg. According to the researchers, around one-seventh of the CO2 emissions caused by deliveries could be saved. The study also shows, according to the universities, that the potential use of cargo bikes varies depending on the location. An analysis of various scenarios revealed: In Munich, there is the potential to deliver around 28 percent of the parcel volume with cargo bikes, and in Regensburg about 37 percent. The kilometers previously covered by delivery vans could thus be reduced by 16 percent in Munich and by 18 percent in Regensburg. As a result, the CO2 emissions caused by delivery would decrease by 14 percent in the first case and by 17 percent in the second case.

Cost efficiency no self-starter

According to the research partners, the model calculations also show that the use of cargo bikes would only mean a small cost savings for the companies. While delivery vans incur higher basic costs, the total number of routes would inevitably be higher due to the lower capacity of cargo bikes.

Generating savings potential

There would be further savings potential if several logistics companies were to cooperate to avoid overlapping routes. The research team has calculated that, with two partners, the kilometers driven for parcel delivery could be reduced by up to 29 percent, and with three partners by up to 42 percent.

"In such a consolidation of logistics, meaning a cooperation of multiple service providers, significant cost advantages can also arise," explains Pirmin Fontaine, Assistant Professor of Operations Management at KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.

To enable companies to efficiently integrate cargo bikes into logistics, the research team developed a planning tool that allows companies and municipalities to determine the potential of cargo bikes for individual urban areas. An accompanying guide, as well as the planning tool, is provided free of charge.

"Our study shows what additional infrastructure is necessary to enable efficient use of bicycles: so-called micro-depots, which must be strategically placed in cities," explains Fontaine.

In this system, goods are brought to these containers by trucks and then delivered to customers by cargo bikes. The depots can be stocked during times of low traffic.

"The use of cargo bikes in city centers has a chicken-and-egg problem," adds Rolf Moeckel, Professor of Modeling Spatial Mobility at TUM. "If service providers do not find suitable infrastructure, it remains unattractive for them to convert their logistics accordingly."

Therefore, given the limited space available, political support is particularly necessary for the placement of micro-depots.

The project "RadLast" was funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) with funds for the implementation of the National Cycling Plan.

Translated automatically from German.

