
Park Your Truck opens truck parking area with HPC chargers

A secured truck parking area with two charging points, each initially offering 150 kilowatts, is opening at the Neufahrn motorway junction near Munich. Additional parking spaces with charging infrastructure are planned for the coming years. The partner is the logistics company Elflein.

(v.l.n.r) Wolrad Claudy, CEO of Enerlog AG, Denise Schuster, founder and CEO of Park your Truck GmbH, Dr. Klaus-Peter Potthast from the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, and René Stahl, Managing Director of Park Your Truck, open the truck parking lot with a fast-charging station in Eching. | Image: HUSS VERLAG
(v.l.n.r) Wolrad Claudy, CEO of Enerlog AG, Denise Schuster, founder and CEO of Park your Truck GmbH, Dr. Klaus-Peter Potthast from the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, and René Stahl, Managing Director of Park Your Truck, open the truck parking lot with a fast-charging station in Eching. | Image: HUSS VERLAG
Johannes Reichel
von Tobias Schweikl

Park Your Truck GmbH is opening a truck parking area at the intersection of A9 and A92 with initially two fast charging points. The area at Dieselstraße 29 in the Eching industrial area is part of their nationwide truck charging network "Charge Your Truck". Battery-electric trucks and other commercial vehicles can currently charge there at 150 kilowatts each. According to the operator, the electricity is sourced from a green electricity provider, and a photovoltaic system on site covers part of the load.

“We are developing already sealed areas to create urgently needed parking spaces for trucks – an environmentally and climate-friendly business model that curbs land consumption,” says Denise Schuster, CEO and founder of Park Your Truck. “It is only logical to give the parking spaces an additional benefit for climate protection: With fast charging stations and other facilities at our truck parking areas, we contribute to putting emission-free heavy-duty vehicles on the road. In doing so, we are pioneers in Germany and beyond.”

Elflein as Anchor Customer

The new fast-charging station in Eching is publicly accessible and has so far been used by the logistics company Elflein as an anchor customer. The logistics service provider has been operating with three electric trucks from the manufacturer Designwerk since this year. The electric trucks, which charge in Eching, are used for tours for a Munich automobile manufacturer. The three electric trucks rely on lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery technology. Compared to nickel manganese cobalt (NMC) batteries, these are said to offer advantages such as a higher number of charge cycles, more safety, higher performance, and a lower requirement for critical raw materials.

"By purchasing the three electric trucks, we are proving, as we did in 2016 with the use of the first electric truck, that Elflein's commitment to environmental protection and sustainable business practices is not just lip service. We are convinced that this will positively impact not only our company but also our community and the environment overall. Especially our customers, for whom the electric trucks are deployed, benefit from Elflein's innovative and forward-looking approach," said Managing Partner Rüdiger Elflein.

Philipp Eck, project manager for e-mobility at Elflein, comments on his company's commitment to electric trucks as follows:

"Sustainability is a key component of our corporate philosophy; the expansion and electrification of our fleet with electric trucks and the construction of our own charging infrastructure underline our commitment to climate-friendly transport."

More Truck Charging Hubs Planned

At the inauguration ceremony on June 25, 2024, in Eching, alongside customers, investors, partners, as well as the board, supervisory board, and management of the Park-Your-Truck parent company Enerlog AG, Ministerial Director Dr. Klaus-Peter Potthast, head of the "Economic Policy, Coordination, Industry" department at the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, also participated.

"With this investment, Enerlog AG makes a central contribution to resolving the double chicken-and-egg problem – the lack of charging infrastructure is slowing down the transformation of mobility in logistics and transport, and the lack of battery-electric trucks calls the profitability of charging stations into question," said Wolrad Claudy, CEO of Enerlog AG.

Park Your Truck acquires paved areas near highways and federal roads to market them as reservable, secure truck parking spaces. Park Your Truck plans to establish Truck Charging Hubs on 15 of its sites in the coming years. Following the project in Eching, the next truck parking spaces to be equipped will be in Ingolstadt and Wolfsburg. Which further locations will subsequently be equipped with fast charging stations depends on the potential anchor customers, according to the company.

In the long term, a large part of the company's 300 parking spaces across Europe are to be equipped for climate-friendly heavy-duty transport. In addition to fast charging points, stations for overnight charging with lower power, as well as on-site renewable generation and storage, gas stations for bio-LNG, e-fuels, and hydrogen may also be established if necessary.

Translated automatically from German.

