Moscow: Pure Electric Fleet by 2030
According to a report by the news agency Reuters, the Russian capital Moscow aims to completely switch its bus fleet to electric buses by 2030. Artyom Burlakov, deputy head of the department for innovative projects at Mosgortrans, explains:
“The plan is to replace all public transport vehicles on wheels with electric buses.”
Currently, the fleet of Moscow’s transport company Mosgortrans is equipped with 600 electric buses. By the end of the year, an additional 400 electric buses are to be added. In 2022, an increase by another 420 electric vehicles is planned, followed by another 855, which would raise the fleet size to more than 2,000 electric buses.
Details on the procurement programs and the selection of electric buses were not disclosed, according to Reuters. So far, electric buses from the brands GAZ and Kamaz are in use on Moscow’s streets.
What does this mean?
Electric buses are becoming increasingly popular in the Russian public transport sector as well. Moscow now also plans to gradually transition to electric mobility.
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