
LVW NRW/Dekra/Provinzial: Driving safely with the cargo bike

The National Traffic Watch of NRW, the Provincial Insurance, and the inspection service provider DEKRA offer tips on how to travel safely with the booming mode of transportation - and who is allowed to use it in the first place. Fundamentally, cargo bike transport is a safe method, even for transporting children, emphasize the responsible parties.

Forward Leaning: Because cargo bikes have an extremely short braking distance, it is essential to strap or secure children and cargo. | Photo: LVW NRW/Thomas Küppers
Forward Leaning: Because cargo bikes have an extremely short braking distance, it is essential to strap or secure children and cargo. | Photo: LVW NRW/Thomas Küppers

How to be safely on the road with the booming transport means cargo bike has now been summarized by the Landesverkehrswacht NRW, the Provinzial Versicherung, and the inspection service provider DEKRA on a website and in a flyer. Whether in the city or in the countryside, more and more families are using bicycles with transport boxes, and the sharing of cargo bikes is also becoming increasingly popular. Thanks to the models with electric drives, cargo bikes are also a popular and sustainable alternative to cars for people living in hilly regions, the partners outline.

Life Insurance Belt and Helmet

The importance of proper seatbelting and helmet-wearing was demonstrated by them during a joint press conference at the traffic practice area in Essen. Here, the experts from the inspection organization simulated a full stop with the cargo bike at full speed. The unbelted child dummy lost its grip, flew out of the cargo bike box, and crashed onto the asphalt. It is underestimated that cargo bikes have an extremely short braking distance due to their long wheelbase, among other things.

“One can imagine what would happen to a child in such an impact. Therefore, we recommend protecting children with the available belts and an appropriate bicycle helmet on every trip, no matter how short it may be,” advise Jörg Weinrich, Managing Director of the Landesverkehrswacht NRW, and Dr. Martin Creutz, Head of the Provinzial Versicherung division.

Even more severe injuries are expected in a crash between a car and a cargo bike, which was also simulated. Here too, there was a child dummy on board. To raise awareness of the dangers in dealing with cargo bikes, the partners have started a social media campaign with the hashtag #lastenradnrw, in addition to the flyer and website. They are intended to convey useful information to beginners and all those who want to get an initial overview. “Because not everyone is aware of who can take whom and how,” says Luger Bolke, Branch Manager of DEKRA in Münster. It has only been allowed to transport adult persons since a change in the traffic regulations in 2020.

“The cargo bike is considered a bicycle or, in the electrically operated version, a pedelec. But there are also legal exceptions here,” continues Bolke. If the bicycle path is practically unusable for a cargo bike, it is allowed to be ridden on the street.

New Target Group in Road Safety Work

The bikes are also in demand among parents who transport their children in the cargo basket. Fundamentally, it is a safe method, the experts reassure. However, it is essential that parents drive particularly foresighted. After all, the large cargo basket is usually in front of the rider.

"As a result, the basket often juts into an intersection before the rider can fully overview the traffic situation," explains Ludger Bolke to DPA. The consequences, in the worst case, are accidents like the one in the crash test.

How do I learn to drive safely? What should I watch out for for my passengers and myself? “Whether single or double track, whether with children, adults, or animal cargo: cargo bike users are a new and important target group in road safety work,” says Dr. Creutz, who is also responsible for prevention work at the insurance company, and adds: “It is also important to take personal responsibility for the technical mastery of cargo bikes. Those who start – especially with children – should work on their own performance and practice safe and foresighted driving beforehand.”

“In addition to proper driving behavior, visibility in road traffic plays a major role,” emphasizes Jörg LVW Managing Director Weinrich. Especially in the evening and night hours or the dark season, wearing a reflective warning vest and having functional lighting is particularly important.

The topics around safe driving with the cargo bike are now to be rolled out together with the traffic safety organizations in the region.

Translated automatically from German.

