
Lime makes mobility possible on EU election day

For the European elections on June 9, the micromobility provider supports the EU Parliament's "Use Your Vote" campaign with messages on the vehicles and free rides on election day.

Höher gehängt: The EU election is extremely important, and for the first time, people in Germany can vote starting at the age of 16. Lime is using its opportunities to encourage people to go vote, or roll to the polls. | Photo: Lime
Höher gehängt: The EU election is extremely important, and for the first time, people in Germany can vote starting at the age of 16. Lime is using its opportunities to encourage people to go vote, or roll to the polls. | Photo: Lime

The micromobility provider Lime is supporting the EU Parliament's "Use Your Vote" campaign for the European elections on June 9 and is urging its users to vote - with messages on the vehicles and free rides on election day.

"Lime stands with Europe. We are present in many European cities and offer people a sustainable alternative to move around in their home cities or explore new ones in other countries. The European Union is very valuable for the freedom of people to move and exchange within Europe. That is why we are using all the opportunities we have to remind our users to take their right to vote seriously," explained Anna Montasser, Director of Public Policy at Lime.

To support this, the company is offering two free rides of 15 minutes each on June 9. Lime is reminding voters with hangtags on their e-scooters: "We're hanging it on our scooters so it lands in your calendar" reads the tags on the handlebars, with a reminder of the election day in June - which varies depending on the country. The campaign is not only running in Germany but in many EU countries, including France, Spain, Austria, Poland, Belgium, and Italy in the respective national languages.


Prompt via app

In addition, the provider uses its app to draw the attention of users to Election Day. On social media, Lime followers are encouraged to share the story of their "first time" voting. Or how they imagine their "first time". This is intended to particularly address young eligible voters who can engage with the topic of voter participation in a low-threshold way. In Germany, voting participation will be possible for the first time from the age of 16 this year. A small downside: Lime only allows the rental of scooters and bikes from the age of 18.

"We still assume that the messages on our vehicles will also reach people who do not use e-scooters themselves. After all, the vehicles are very visible in public spaces - and we want to use that for a good cause," says Anna Montasser. The company, which is committed to climate protection and LGBTQ rights, does not give a voting recommendation. Here, everyone must follow their conscience.

Translated automatically from German.

