
ladenetz.de: Cooperation with GP Joule

The North Germans complement the network as partners and contribute their expertise as project developers. Additionally, GP Joule Connect customers can more easily access the ladenetz.de service.

Logical Expansion: With GP Joule Connect, ladenetz.de 360°, which encompasses technology and IT, gains an important partner. | Photo: GP JOULE
Logical Expansion: With GP Joule Connect, ladenetz.de 360°, which encompasses technology and IT, gains an important partner. | Photo: GP JOULE

The e-mobility network smartlab has expanded its network for ladenetz.de 360° with the incorporation of the Reußenkoge energy and e-mobility specialist GP Joule Connect. The North Germans provide expertise in the construction and operation of hardware, sector coupling, energy management systems, and the conceptualization of large projects. Smartlab is a consortium of Duisburger Versorgungs- und Verkehrsgesellschaft, erdgas schwaben, Stadtwerke Düsseldorf, Stadtwerke Osnabrück, STAWAG, and Thüga. After successfully establishing and operating charging systems with load management and company car billing at their own site in Aachen as well as for various business customers, they now gain another important partner with GP Joule Connect. As a full-service provider on various energy topics, their services ideally complement those of smartlab, says the provider. Their backend system covers the information technology area, such as access and charging system management, billing, load management, and interfaces.

Benefit for Customers: Bundled E-Mobility Offer

The benefit for ladenetz.de customers is that all trades related to electromobility in public, semi-public, and private spaces are offered bundled by smartlab, advertises the provider. This is especially feasible in scenarios like larger parking facilities, neighborhood solutions, or charging parks in cooperation with the new partner. This ensures that both hardware and IT requirements are ideally coordinated. Moreover, they rely on their experience as a project manager and specialist for coordinating various interest groups.

“With over 250 ladenetz.de members in total, it is very important to be able to respond appropriately to many different market requirements. We strengthen this position with our new partner, who will support us and our customers, especially in larger tenders, with their extensive expertise and know-how in e-mobility,” says Thomas Schümmer from smartlab.

Additionally, GP Joule Connect customers now also have the opportunity to become ladenetz.de customers relatively easily and to take advantage of smartlab's offerings. This expands the product portfolio and achieves a strategically important step for both parties.

“By cooperating with smartlab, we expand our solution system to include a powerful charging network. Specifically, the high agility between our two companies allows us to respond more precisely to customer needs and react comprehensively – all from one cooperation,” advertises Torben Jöns from GP Joule Connect.

Translated automatically from German.

