Krummen Kerzers breaks kilometer record with Volvo E-Truck over 3,000 kilometers
3000 kilometers, 40 tons, not a liter of diesel - the Swiss logistics company Krummen Kerzers has achieved a record drive with an electric truck. Driver Balint Schnell brought 20 tons of oranges from Valencia to Zurich, and the record drive from Switzerland to Valencia and back was a success. In Zurich, Boris Jost, owner and managing director of Casa del Mas, as well as Peter Krummen, co-managing director of Krummen Kerzers, happily welcomed the Volvo FH Electric.
"The trip to Spain sets new standards. We are confident that e-trucks will become commonplace on long-distance routes in a few years," Peter Krummen is sure.
Casa del Mas has been transporting its sustainably grown citrus fruits with Krummen Kerzers for years.
"In addition to the organic cultivation of our fruits, sustainable transport to Switzerland is a major concern for us. We are therefore particularly pleased that the test with the e-truck was successful," explained Boris Jost from Casa del Mas about their motivation.
Being able to carry out such a record attempt under real conditions required precise planning and close cooperation between the customer and the transport company. The idea actually started as a joke but quickly became serious and sparked ambition at Krummen Kerzers. Countless Google Maps searches revealed that a journey from Kerzers to Barcelona is fundamentally feasible, but the last 450 kilometers to Canals would be difficult because there are few charging stations available, which are also hard to access with the truck, they sketched. Spanish colleagues, when asked for tips, clearly dismissed the idea, saying the endeavor was "imposible". They would already have diesel trucks ready to help their Swiss colleagues when the e-truck breaks down, the naysayers scoffed.
Success Factor Human: Predictive Driving
Charging speed, availability of charging stations, and battery capacities influenced the record drive. But initially, the search for the suitable driver was the focus. Who will keep their nerves if the charging station they arrive at doesn't work? Controlling consumption, considering topography, headwinds, and rest times, navigating through Ionity helpdesks, and ultimately enjoying the drive: all these requirements must be met by a suitable driver, described the transporter as the challenge.
Detailed Route Planning
Balint Schnell, who has been with Krummen Kerzers for five years, is a daring type: he had never driven an e-truck nor been to Spain before. Nevertheless, he was clearly the man for the mission, they decided. Schnell acquainted himself with the vehicle in no time, studied the route in detail, and planned ahead during the drive. The driver only got really nervous once shortly before the destination, when he reached the last charging point with just a few percent charge remaining and nothing was working in the cockpit. Otherwise, he mainly had positive and valuable experiences.
"In Spain, the drivers blocked a main road because they got out to look at the e-truck," Balint Schnell recalls.
Laughing, he tells how an Italian at a rest stop wanted to trade perfumes for diesel and he had to show him the charging cable before he gave up on the trade attempt. The trip to Spain took a day longer than with a diesel truck, the fuel costs are higher, and planning is more intensive. Peter Krummen himself managed the trip and constantly monitored the vehicle's behavior in the background. Still, the groundwork has been laid. With the expansion of e-charging stations on European highways and advancements in battery technology, e-trucks will play an important role in long-distance transportation as well.
"Record or not: what is decisive for us is the fact that this trip provided important insights into the use of e-trucks in long-distance transport and saved nearly 3 tons of CO2," says Peter Krummen.
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