HUSS-VERLAG presents new THINK TANKs of VISION mobility
The VISION mobility THINK TANKs are entering the next round! In the coming months, five THINK TANKs are planned, offering a wealth of valuable information and comprehensive discussions on current topics. The audience is welcome to participate. Starting on May 24, 2023, the THINK TANK series will kick off, covering the entire spectrum of modern mobility, connectivity, and infrastructure. The first THINK TANK will take place within the framework of polisMOBILITY in Cologne, focusing on urban mobility, particularly on the topic "City as a Service." The THINK TANK explains the interactions of individual actors in the city and shows how traffic must be more intelligently connected in a livable city of the future.
The VISION mobility THINK TANKs serve as motivators and present development, research, and practical results from various perspectives, which are subsequently discussed. High-profile experts from research, politics, and industry will speak about current and future forms of mobility and will participate in discussions with the panel and the audience afterward. It is not necessary for the auditorium to have a unified opinion on a subject. Exciting and controversial discussions on the topics are explicitly encouraged, as opposed to a unified opinion. The main function of the VISION mobility THINK TANKs remains the explanation and discussion of new ideas and approaches in the field of mobility, connectivity, and infrastructure.
The VISION mobility THINK TANKs are supported by companies Geotab and Michelin as partners.
The following THINK TANKs will take place in 2023:
Energy Autarky – Illusion or Reality?
PV systems, buffer storage, sector coupling, and charging infrastructure: This is how you become your own energy manager and more independent from the energy market
In the panel, our experts will present solutions on how to save energy costs - from energy generation to smart load and charge management of the fleet.
The THINK TANK will take place on Wednesday, June 14, 2023, from 11:40 AM – 12:40 PM as part of Power2Drive.
SMART CITY LOGISTICS Congress, July 18 to 19, 2023, Jena
IAA MOBILITY, September 5 to 10, 2023, Munich
eMove360° Europe, October 17 to 19, 2023, Munich
More information at:
Elektromobilität , Newsletter Elektromobilität , IAA Mobility , SUVs und Geländewagen , Hybrid , Antriebsarten, Kraftstoffe und Emissionen , Oberklasse- und Sportwagen , Carsharing , Autonomes Fahren (Straßenverkehr) , Ladeinfrastruktur , Verkehrspolitik , Formel E , Brennstoffzellen , Fahrzeug-Vernetzung und -Kommunikation , Fahrzeuge & Fuhrpark , Automotive-Messen & Veranstaltungen , Pkw, Kompakt- und Mittelklasse , Minis und Kleinwagen , E-Auto-Datenbank, E-Mobilität-/Automotive-Newsletter, E-Auto-Tests