
How Dynamic Pricing Controls the Charging of E-Cars in Multi-Party Houses

The goal of the new cooperation between Monta and charge2change is to enable dynamic electricity prices in multi-family houses.

Thanks to dynamic electricity prices in multi-party buildings, users save not only money. The utilization is also regulated when some of the wallbox users decide to charge only during cheap times. (Photo: Monta)
Thanks to dynamic electricity prices in multi-party buildings, users save not only money. The utilization is also regulated when some of the wallbox users decide to charge only during cheap times. (Photo: Monta)
Claus Bünnagel

The energy transition raises many questions for administrators and property owners. In terms of mobility, the focus is on a charging infrastructure for electric vehicles that should ideally be both energy and cost-efficient for drivers and operators. The software company Monta, which specializes in charging technologies, is now cooperating with charge2change, a specialist for charging infrastructure and energy solutions in residential and commercial properties based in Waldenbuch near Stuttgart. The goal of the cooperation is to enable dynamic electricity prices in multi-party buildings as well. This not only saves users money because dynamic electricity tariffs are generally cheaper than fixed electricity prices. The utilization is also regulated in a fair manner almost automatically when some of the wallbox users decide to charge only at cheaper times.

Integrated Energy Management System Needed

"A wallbox is quickly installed. But to become the energy source of electromobility, a charging infrastructure is needed in advance, to which the wallbox can be connected," explains charge2change CEO Andreas Etterer.

For this, not only a stable power supply with sufficient network capacity is required. In multi-party buildings or on shared parking lots, legal permits may also be necessary. Additionally, the respective owners' association must agree. An integrated energy management system helps prioritize electricity from renewable energies or dynamically adjust the power so that the power grid is not overloaded.

"With a well-thought-out infrastructure and the use of software that allows charging processes to be intelligently planned and controlled, charging stations work reliably and efficiently," says Lisa Herrmann, Senior Account Manager at the software company Monta.


Charging infrastructure in multi-party houses must be scalable

The challenge in building charging infrastructure in properties lies in the technical, legal, and financial aspects associated with use by multiple parties.

"When individual residents install their own wallboxes, the capacity of the grid connection is quickly exhausted. This model is not a viable path for homeowner associations because it deprives other users of resources in the long term and additionally causes high retrofit costs," said Herrmann.

To circumvent this problem, a forward-looking concept and a centralized energy distribution are necessary.

"We provide comprehensive advice to property owners and managers from the outset – from the technical aspects to funding opportunities. In the end, there is an efficient and sustainable charging infrastructure that is flexibly adapted to the needs of multi-party houses and can be easily expanded if necessary," says Etterer from charge2change.


Dynamic Pricing Brings Cost Advantages and Network Stability

Etterer cites the possibility of dynamic pricing through the Monta software as the reason for the collaboration. With it, operators of charging infrastructure can set their kWh price based on the hourly price they pay for electricity. They can take into account the spot price of the respective area and optionally add a fixed or percentage premium, such as for delivery costs or value-added tax. This creates a win-win situation for charging station operators and E-drivers, says Herrmann:

“The former can thereby ensure that their costs are covered and manage network utilization. Drivers benefit from favorable off-peak prices and transparency in the cost structure.”

Higher prices during peak times act as a control mechanism that reduces utilization and avoids potential waiting times. Those who avoid charging during peak times have financial advantages.

“We have not found dynamic prices for charging electricity like this with any other provider. That is why we are very pleased to now have Monta as a partner that enables this,” says Etterer.

By reducing unused capacities, housing companies can minimize losses and stabilize their revenue.

Charging Infrastructure as an Additional Revenue Source for Property Managers

A promising opportunity for property managers to further increase the profitability of their charging infrastructure lies in optimizing utilization.

“With Monta software, housing companies can impose membership fees or open the charging stations for public users at selected times and at different rates. Billing and invoicing are automated, greatly minimizing administrative effort,” emphasizes Herrmann.

Additionally, drivers can specify, for example, that they want to source electricity primarily from renewable energies. “This makes charging infrastructure and its use even more sustainable,” Herrmann concludes.

Translated automatically from German.

