Hamburg-Altona: District hub combines sustainable mobility and logistics
Where cars were previously parked, new offerings now bring together people from the neighborhood and commuters. In recent weeks, new bicycle stands, an e-scooter parking area, and an hvv switch point have been erected at the location. The diverse range of transport and parking options aims to contribute to advancing the mobility transition. Additionally, a micro depot from the manufacturer FIAtec GmbH ensures that the logistics service provider tricargo can deliver to residents in the neighborhood using e-cargo bikes. The micro depot serves as a kind of transshipment warehouse for orders. The goal is to reduce and make environmentally friendly the traffic for goods transportation on the last mile.
Moreover, the Stadtreinigung Hamburg (SRH) complements the location with an EcoHHub station. The highlight of this station is a freely accessible exchange shelf and deposit compartments for well-preserved items, such as smartphones, clothing, or toys. Additionally, the station offers numerous SRH products around the clock, such as yellow bags, leaf bags, dog waste bags, and high-quality compost made from Hamburg's organic waste.
How should services be designed to facilitate travel
Under the name Quartiers-Hub, a study is being conducted at the location to determine how existing and additional services should be designed to simplify routes and make the switch to environmentally friendly transport modes attractive. The Quartiers-Hub at Kaltenkircher Platz is already the second Quartiers-Hub in Altona. At the beginning of 2023, a location with a similar concept was opened on Holstenstraße as part of the EU project MOVE21.
```“The Quartiers-Hub piloted at Kaltenkircher Platz as part of MOVE21 represents a novel approach for Hamburg to integrate goods and passenger mobility in the neighborhood and to create additional offerings for the community. Through close exchange with other cities, innovative solutions for livable cities are being developed," explains Liv Assmann, State Councillor and Plenipotentiary of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg to the Federal Government, the European Union, and for Foreign Affairs.
From the perspective of Melanie Leonhard, Senator for Economy and Innovation, there is an urgent need for sustainable logistics solutions for the last mile. In cities with limited space and high costs, creativity is particularly required. The Micro Depot manages to utilize space optimally. The modular building type allows for flexible adjustments and expansions. This project shows how costs can be further reduced in the future through standardization.
"In a Smart City, mobility, logistics, and infrastructure are intelligently interconnected. With the new concept at Kaltenkircher Platz, we want to create environmentally friendly alternatives for mobility and logistics together with strong and committed partners. The project at Holstenstraße demonstrates how successfully the Micro Depot has already integrated as a logistics hub for the environmentally friendly delivery of goods in the district. Therefore, I am confident that the second Micro Depot here in Altona will also be quickly accepted by residents and partners," outlines Jan Kruska, Project Manager Micro Depots, Smart City | DB.
They want to develop sustainable mobility and logistics solutions in the district and explore new paths and gain new insights through experimentation, emphasized Stefanie von Berg, District Office Director Altona.
Background MOVE21:
The EU project MOVE21 aims to reduce climate-damaging traffic emissions in the participating cities by developing and testing innovative solutions in the area of passenger and freight transport. To achieve this, different solutions are modularly combined at various locations in the Altona district to gain insights for future regular implementations. In addition to the city of Hamburg, the cities of Oslo and Gothenburg, as well as Munich, Bologna, and Rome, are participating. The project runs from May 2021 to April 2025. In Hamburg, the project consortium is formed by the Altona District Office, the Senate Chancellery, the Department of Economy and Innovations, the HafenCity University, and the DB Station&Service AG, Smart City | DB.
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