Germany ticket facing termination despite success: Wissing refuses to pay
The German Association of Cities fears an end to the successful but deficit-ridden 49-euro Germany ticket if the federal government does not increase its funding commitments. "That Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) rejects the financing of the deficit beyond the current federal share of 1.5 billion euros from 2024 and further talks with the states is absolutely unacceptable," said Chief Executive Officer Helmut Dedy to the newspapers of the Funke Media Group. Without guarantees from the federal and state governments, the ticket is at risk of ending.
Currently, the federal and state governments equally share the deficits accumulating in the transport companies, which amount to up to three billion euros. It is already clear that these will increase to over four billion euros next year. The companies cannot offset the additional costs from the low ticket price through additional revenue from extra sales, Dedy further outlined according to the media.
The most recent special negotiation round of the Conference of Transport Ministers ended without tangible results. The federal government must quickly give up its blockade. A solution is needed by the end of the year.
Translated automatically from German."Otherwise, the Germany ticket will remain a one-time field experiment for a few months. If the federal government is serious about the traffic turnaround, this is completely the wrong signal," Dedy further criticized.
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