The Austrian logistics company Gebrüder Weiss is making further strides in sustainable goods delivery by using electric tricycles to service the Croatian islands of Rab and Lošinj. With its small villages and narrow streets, delivering goods on the Croatian islands is no easy task. Since this summer, the logistics company has been providing environmentally friendly deliveries to households and businesses on the islands. The nimble vehicles are equipped with a quiet, powerful electric motor and are ideal for deliveries in small towns, holiday, and national parks – especially during the holiday season.
“It is important to preserve the authenticity and uniqueness of the islands. By delivering with our electric tricycles, we contribute to the islands retaining their original charm. And our customers receive their online-ordered goods in an environmentally friendly way," explains Barbara Bujačić, Country Director of Croatia at Gebrüder Weiss.
The vehicle can transport shipments with a total weight of up to 500 kilograms and cover 50 kilometers per day on a single battery charge. Electric transporters in urban areas In addition to electric tricycles, the logistics company has also recently deployed electric transporters to deliver to end customers in Zagreb. The range of the electric light vehicle is 170 kilometers on a single battery charge, allowing for up to 35 environmentally friendly deliveries per day. The e-vans are optimal for city transport and reduce traffic noise thanks to their quiet electric motors.
The batteries of the vehicles are charged via a dedicated photovoltaic system that the company recently put into operation at its main location near Zagreb. The system installed on the roof of the logistics facility has a total peak output of 500 kilowatts per year and saves about 107 tons of CO2 annually. With these sustainable measures in Croatia, Gebrüder Weiss is taking another step towards the targeted climate neutrality by 2030. For several years, the company has been investing in alternative drives in heavy-duty transport and developing low-emission solutions for the last mile. For example, an electric truck is being used for local transport in the Vienna metropolitan area, and end customers in Austria and Hungary are being supplied with electric vehicles. Additionally, since 2021, one of the world's first hydrogen trucks has been regularly in operation in Switzerland. The acquisition of more hydrogen and electric trucks in Germany is planned for 2024, the company further announced.
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