Gebrüder Weiss bring visionary aCentauri solar car Down Under
The logistics service provider Gebrüder Weiss has undertaken the transport of an innovative solar car for the aCentauri Solar Racing Team of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH) to Australia. The World Solar Challenge begins there at the end of October 2023. In this race, 31 teams will cover the 3,000-kilometer route from Darwin across the Australian outback to Adelaide solely with solar power. To ensure that the high-tech vehicle can start on time at the other end of the world, the logistics company combines logistics solutions from land transport as well as sea and air freight.
"As a global logistics company, we are drivers of intelligent transport solutions and actively shape the mobility of tomorrow. The aCentauri solar car is groundbreaking and can revolutionize the transport sector. That’s why we support the team on their way to Australia," promotes Frank Haas, Head of Corporate Brand Strategy & Communications at Gebrüder Weiss.
The students have been working on the development and implementation of this solar car for nearly a year. Designed for durability and maximum energy efficiency, it symbolizes the vision of an eco-friendly future. "Winning the race is one thing. Our broader goal is to actively participate in the development of efficient and ecological solutions," explains Alexandr Ebnöther, Team Manager of aCentauri. With the support of Gebrüder Weiss, we can prove that solar-powered cars and thus sustainable mobility are possible, says the team leader. Alternative drives are currently highly favored by the logistics company. Thus, aCentauri’s solar car covers the first stage of transportation with Gebrüder Weiss's zero-emission hydrogen truck.
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