Federal Council calls for impetus for e-mobility
In view of the challenges facing the German automotive industry, the Federal Council is calling for more momentum for the electric car market. A special effort is required to achieve the national goal of at least 15 million fully electric cars by 2030 and to secure jobs and investments, according to a resolution passed in Berlin.
The federal council expresses itself "emphatically in favor of an accelerated and steady ramp-up of e-mobility." Through "measures to increase acceptance and build trust," the current reluctance to purchase can be resolved. The federal government is therefore asked to consider reintroducing an e-car premium or a similar support instrument. In doing so, social aspects and climate protection aspects should be particularly taken into account.
Translated automatically from German.Elektromobilität , Newsletter Elektromobilität , IAA Mobility , SUVs und Geländewagen , Hybrid , Antriebsarten, Kraftstoffe und Emissionen , Oberklasse- und Sportwagen , Carsharing , Autonomes Fahren (Straßenverkehr) , Ladeinfrastruktur , Verkehrspolitik , Formel E , Brennstoffzellen , Fahrzeug-Vernetzung und -Kommunikation , Fahrzeuge & Fuhrpark , Automotive-Messen & Veranstaltungen , Pkw, Kompakt- und Mittelklasse , Minis und Kleinwagen , E-Auto-Datenbank, E-Mobilität-/Automotive-Newsletter, E-Auto-Tests