Falken Tyre Europe: Bettina Feldmann becomes Chief Operations Officer (COO)
Falken expands its leadership in Europe. The role of COO in this form is new at Falken, previously Markus Bögner was responsible for operational management in a dual role. As Managing Director, President and Chief Sales Officer, Markus Bögner can now focus more on the company-specific and sales-specific leadership components as well as the strategic alignment of the company.
Bettina Feldmann is responsible as COO for the entire process from procurement, logistics, and warehousing to distribution to Falken's Europe-wide customers, as well as invoicing. She has been working in the tire industry for more than twenty years and has excellent industry knowledge and extensive experience, particularly in logistics, customer service, and project management. "We are very pleased that we were able to attract Ms. Feldmann to our team with her know-how, excellent industry knowledge, and leadership quality," Markus Bögner comments on the personnel decision and adds:
“Especially our Customer Service, Supply Chain, and Logistics teams have grown very rapidly in the course of our expansion in recent years. Because we not only stand for an excellent product portfolio in the premium segment, but our services are also outstanding.”
What does that mean?
The reinforcement of the management team with Bettina Feldmann, who reports directly to Markus Bögner, is another milestone in establishing a strategic management level, with which Falken is excellently positioned for the challenges of the future.
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