
Expert Advice: Transport Sector Has Clearly Missed 2023 Climate Target - DUH Sees Panic in the Minister

(dpa) For the third year in a row, the sector under Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing is failing to meet its climate targets, according to the government committee. Previous measures are not sufficient. Environmental Action Germany criticizes "panic" and sees numerous other measures as a priority.

Non-smoker: Without the electrification of mobility, the climate goals in the sector cannot be met. | Photo: dpa/Marijan Murat
Non-smoker: Without the electrification of mobility, the climate goals in the sector cannot be met. | Photo: dpa/Marijan Murat
Johannes Reichel

The independent Expert Council for Climate Issues has once again determined a significant failure to meet climate targets in the transportation sector. Instead of the allowed 133 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents, this sector emitted 146 million tonnes of greenhouse gases last year. This is what the experts wrote in their review report, published on Monday in Berlin, regarding the data presented by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) in March. For better comparability, other greenhouse gases are converted into CO2 equivalents. This means the transportation sector has missed its climate target for the third consecutive year. The building sector also narrowly missed its target according to UBA calculations, which the Expert Council neither confirms nor dismisses in light of significant uncertainty in the calculated data. Nevertheless, even here, the legally mandated immediate action program must now be presented to steer back on course, according to the experts. 

If areas fail to meet targets, the responsible ministries of the federal government must follow up with immediate programs. The annually permissible emission levels for individual sectors such as industry, energy, transportation, and buildings are specified in the Climate Protection Act. The measures decided so far have not been sufficient, emphasized the expert council.

The specific climate targets for individual economic sectors are a thorn in the side of the FDP. In principle, the coalition of SPD, Greens, and FDP has already agreed on a reform of the Climate Protection Act: According to this, the future focus should be mainly on whether greenhouse gas reduction targets are met overall across all sectors. However, the coalition factions in the Bundestag have so far been unable to agree on the details. Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) recently brought up weekend driving bans, should the current regulation not soon be replaced by the reform. 

The German Environmental Aid criticized Wissing's behavior, calling it "panic." The expert council appointed by the federal government itself certifies that it has failed in climate protection - especially in traffic and buildings.

"The extent of the panic in the government is evident from the transparent driving ban maneuvers of FDP ministers Wissing and Lindner last weekend. They rightly fear that after the rulings of the Federal Constitutional Court, the Higher Administrative Court of Berlin-Brandenburg, and the European Court of Human Rights, on May 16, they will now be sentenced to more climate protection through our next climate lawsuits. They want to blackmail their coalition partners into gutting the Climate Protection Act, in order to slip out of the noose and cover up their years-long breach of the law," declared the federal managing director of the German Environmental Aid (DUH), Barbara Metz.

There are of course immediately effective climate protection measures that are much less drastic, run all over the world, and are desired by a clear majority of the population, Metz said. She called on the SPD and Greens not to allow themselves to be blackmailed, but instead to immediately introduce a speed limit of 100/80/30, which would save more than 11 million tons of CO2 per year. Together with the abolition of climate-damaging subsidies such as the company car privilege, this would be a big step in the right direction for the transport sector. She also called on the coalition to immediately pass a renovation turbo to insulate especially the worst buildings as quickly as possible and save enormous amounts of unnecessary greenhouse gases.

"If the government does not do this, we will force them to do so by legal means," Metz announced.

Translated automatically from German.

