
EU project ZEFES: Gruber Logistics conducts tests for CO2-free long-distance transport

EU Project ZEFES: Gruber Logistics has been collecting data for electric vehicles with hydrogen fuel cells on a defined route from Verona over the Brenner Pass to southern Germany since the end of February.



The logistics company has started tests for an emission-free long-haul heavy transport as part of the EU project "ZEFES." Photo: Gruber Logistics
The logistics company has started tests for an emission-free long-haul heavy transport as part of the EU project "ZEFES." Photo: Gruber Logistics
von Daniela Sawary-Kohnen

What will be possible in long-distance heavy transport in the future is being explored by the EU-funded project "ZEFES," which stands for "Zero Emissions flexible vehicle platforms with modular powertrains serving the long-haul Freight Eco System". In the first step, Gruber Logistics, which is involved in the project, now aims to collect data to answer the following questions: How many stops does a vehicle in long-distance transport make under real-time conditions, how often does it brake, or when and where does it reach which speed?

EU Project with 40 Million Euros
With a total budget of almost 40 million euros, 40 partners from 14 different nations are working on it and conducting various tests with battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). Martin Gruber, Managing Director of Gruber Logistics:

"Gruber Logistics pursues a sustainable, forward-looking strategy. We are convinced that the entire transport sector will and must move in this direction, and we want to drive this development forward. The ZEFES project represents a new paradigm where transport companies are not just end users, but are also required to be co-designers of new electric and hydrogen vehicles. To optimize such vehicles, we need new logistics models; therefore, the vehicles must be designed according to the new usage. We need a different type of logistics."

Test Track Verona-Southern Germany
The logistics company has been collecting data for electric vehicles with hydrogen fuel cells on a defined route from Verona over the Brenner Pass to Southern Germany since the end of February. Initially, no FCEVs will be deployed, but tests with diesel vehicles will be conducted to establish a basis for future tests with real FCEVs, according to the logistics company.

The tests are taking place in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute, which has developed a module plus interface for this purpose, as well as with the companies Ricardo, TNO, and Scania. This makes it possible to collect and evaluate data with high precision and frequency using the device installed in the truck, according to the company. In this case, that means: in fractions of a second.

Compared to other tests that, for example, obtain data about OEMs or use connection-prone cellular networks for data transmission, this test can be expected to have high data quality. Efficiency improvements, mass production capabilities, and the use of technologies in daily operations were established as investigation criteria.

Utilizing Test Results
According to the logistics company, the results of the test phase will be doubly valuable: on one hand, the suitability of FCEVs in real-world operation can be better assessed, and on the other hand, the acceptance of zero-emission vehicles should be advanced.

ZEFES started in January 2023 and is scheduled to end after three and a half years. Even though it will still take some time until then, the first expected results can already be noted, says Gruber Logistics. This is because the use of modular vehicles will lead to both cost savings and the creation of new business cases for logistics companies. Gruber Logistics will also use the collected data in cooperation with Scania for ongoing and future real-life prototypes.

By 2050, Europe aims to be the first CO2-neutral continent – that is the goal of the "Green Deal". To achieve this, especially in the transport sector, much remains to be done. The most important lever is probably the electrification of vehicles.

Translated automatically from German.

