
EHI Study: Hydrogen and E-Mobility Gain Importance for the Transport Industry

According to a survey by EHI, 52 percent of the companies surveyed plan to switch to alternative drive systems in their fleets in the future.    

Almost half of the respondents in a survey conducted by EHI attest that hydrogen or fuel cells have "a lot of potential" in terms of transport logistics. (Stock photo: Mike Mareen / AdobeStock)
Almost half of the respondents in a survey conducted by EHI attest that hydrogen or fuel cells have "a lot of potential" in terms of transport logistics. (Stock photo: Mike Mareen / AdobeStock)
von Therese Meitinger

Sustainability aspects are gaining importance in all areas of commerce. Special potential lies in logistics, and therefore, climate-neutral driving in the transport of goods and merchandise will gain significance in the near future. This conclusion is reached by a study from the consulting institute EHI: According to a press release dated September 7, 45 companies from the brand industry, trade, and transport were surveyed on the study topic "Future Types of Drive in Logistics." With 25 companies, the trade sector was the most represented in the sample. 36 percent reported generating revenues between 50 million and 1,000 million euros in 2022, and 49 percent reported revenues of more than 1,000 million euros.

"The rapidly changing transportation landscape will increasingly need to address topics related to alternative drive technologies in order to contribute to CO2 reduction and achieve climate goals," explains study author Niklas Stanislawski.

Above all, electromobility, hydrogen, and fuel cell technology can be used in both urban and long-distance traffic.

According to the EHI, 52 percent of respondents in the study indicate that they will switch to alternative drive systems in the future, with 31 percent having already begun the transition. In this context, 13 percent plan to switch their fleet within the next three years, and 22 percent each indicate that they aim to complete the transition within the next four to six years or seven to ten years, respectively.

Hybrid Drives Have Little Future

Almost half (49 percent) see a "great deal of potential" in hydrogen or fuel cell technology, considering it a clean and sustainable energy source. Ranking second at 40 percent is electric technology. E-fuels and CNG as biogas are seen by 39 percent as having "sufficient potential." Although hybrid-operated vehicles are already in use by many companies, 39 percent consider them to have only "little potential," with another 23 percent seeing "no potential" for future use.

According to EHI, the preceding trend is also reflected in the suitability of the respective drive types for their own company. 42 percent rate electric and 39 percent rate hydrogen or fuel cell technology as "very suitable" for their own company. E-Fuels are also rated as "very suitable" by 26 percent and as "suitable" by 37 percent.

Particularly the lack of range at 53 percent, the high investment costs at 47 percent, and the poor charging and refueling infrastructure at 44 percent are most frequently cited as reasons against a switch. Additionally, respondents mention the lack of availability on the procurement market or too long delivery times of the manufacturers, as well as a lack of political support. Furthermore, the current state of the technology is cited.

Translated automatically from German.

