
E.ON survey: Two-thirds are open to e-mobility

The sentiment for e-mobility is rising, and now 64 percent of German driver's license holders have a positive attitude towards electric propulsion. Their main reason for purchasing an electric car is sustainability.

Open to "E": The mobility study by E.ON revealed an increasing willingness to buy an electric vehicle across all federal states. | Photo: E.ON
Open to "E": The mobility study by E.ON revealed an increasing willingness to buy an electric vehicle across all federal states. | Photo: E.ON

In a representative survey conducted by the energy supply company E.ON, two-thirds of German driving license holders have shown openness to electromobility. In the so-called "E.ON E-Mobility Study 2020," a clear majority of driving license holders in Germany are open to a purely electric car.

"For 64 percent, purchasing such a vehicle is fundamentally an option," explains Jonas Prudlo, responsible for energy solutions at E.ON Germany.

The age groups between 18 and 44 years are particularly open to electric cars, with approval ratings ranging between 76 and 72 percent. For those aged 45 to 54, 61 percent consider an electric car an option, and for those aged 55 to 69, still 49 percent do. Men are generally more convinced by electric cars with an approval rate of 71 percent compared to women at 57 percent. At the state level, the most electric car enthusiasts are found in Rhineland-Palatinate, where 74 percent of respondents can imagine purchasing an electric car, followed by Berlin (73 percent) and Hamburg (69 percent).

Green Reasons: Sustainability as a Primary Purchase Aspect

In terms of reasons for going electric, the field "sustainability, environmental consciousness, climate protection" is clearly at the forefront: 62 percent of electric car enthusiasts cite this as motivation for a potential electric car purchase. For 55 percent, it is purchase premiums and tax advantages; 51 percent would buy an electric car because they consider it the technology of the future, and 41 percent mention lower operating and maintenance costs as a reason. For 40 percent, it is important that they would not be affected by driving bans in cities. Among people who already drive an electric car and live in their own home, photovoltaics are highly popular: 62 percent of them state that they already own a solar power generation system.

"Especially in combination with a private solar system, an electric car is an excellent option to 'fill up' at home cheaply and environmentally friendly," adds Jonas Prudlo.

Overall, the surveyed driving license holders welcome government support for the charging infrastructure: 83 percent find it right that the expansion of public charging infrastructure, for instance on highways or in cities, is supported by the state. Similarly, 83 percent are in favor of subsidizing or promoting charging facilities in private residential buildings.

Massively Underestimated: The Number of Charging Stations

The survey also shows that Germans massively underestimate the number of available public charging stations. Sixty-six percent of respondents believe there are fewer than 12,500 charging stations in Germany. In fact, according to the E.ON Energy Atlas, there are currently almost 20,000 public charging stations for electric cars. To further strengthen the acceptance of electromobility overall, the energy company emphasized that they continue to invest extensively in the German and European charging infrastructure. Additionally, they support businesses, municipalities, and private customers in establishing and developing charging facilities.

Translated automatically from German.

