
Conti: Large order for predictive eHorizon

The platform, enhanced by the cloud-based solution Dynamic Road Events, is set to upgrade millions of vehicles from a European automaker starting in 2025. By aggregating external data, the system aims to anticipate hazards. Complemented by vehicle sensor capabilities, real-time information about dangers will be provided.

Behind the horizon it continues: The eHorizon is designed to detect and anticipate dangers early. | Photo: Conti
Behind the horizon it continues: The eHorizon is designed to detect and anticipate dangers early. | Photo: Conti

The supplier and tech company Continental, based in Hanover, has announced that starting in 2025, several million vehicles from a major European automaker will be equipped with the eHorizon for Dynamic Road Events. While the connected eHorizon has already been successfully in use since 2022 with a major OEM, this latest version of the eHorizon platform increases traffic safety for drivers by providing real-time insights into traffic events and potential hazards, according to the provider. In addition to static data such as road geometry and topology, this forward-looking cloud-based solution also includes highly reliable dynamic information about road events. These include traffic jams, preceding accidents, construction sites, slippery road conditions, obstacles on the road, and more. The platform enables vehicles to proactively anticipate changing road conditions and respond earlier than conventional sensor functions, the Hanover-based company advertises. An example of such a proactive reaction is the early reduction of vehicle speed.

“Real-time data can be crucial when it comes to avoiding accidents. A few seconds can make a big difference. While our eHorizon has been in use for many years, we are proud to announce the integration of Dynamic Road Events into our platform and to equip millions of vehicles with it. This is a significant milestone on our path to our Vision Zero, which means zero traffic fatalities, zero injuries, and zero accidents,” explains Volkmar Knaup, Head of the Connected Car Solutions business unit at Continental.

Intelligent Data Aggregation for Reliable Information Flows

A key innovation of the platform is the so-called intelligent data aggregation. By combining various types of data from different sources, it complements the capabilities of conventional embedded sensors such as radar systems and cameras and helps to anticipate dangers earlier, promises the Hanover company. To provide robust and reliable services, the platform seamlessly integrates both static and dynamic data from various sources and regions and provides them in real-time via the cloud. This enables vehicles to effectively "see around corners" and take preventive measures, the provider advertises. This can include adapting to a speed limit or avoiding a collision.

In addition, the system supports the performance of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) by providing tailored data for the respective vehicle functions. This not only enhances safety but also increases comfort and fuel efficiency.

"Thanks to our in-depth knowledge of vehicle functions and our years of experience in connected services, we can ensure smooth integration with the automaker's driver assistance systems. This helps to create an overall improved driving experience," believes Xavier Suchocki, Head of the Connected eHorizon Product Segment at Continental.

The platform is also continuously being developed to further enhance traffic safety and the driving experience. To this end, new data sources and suppliers are continuously integrated, various types of events are added (e.g., railroad crossings, encounters with wildlife), and the geographical reach is extended to additional regions. The extremely flexible architecture allows for quick adaptation to changes and new suppliers. The platform changes the interaction between vehicles, drivers, and their surroundings, thereby increasing traffic safety. This lays the foundation for autonomous driving, even under challenging conditions.

Translated automatically from German.

