Comedian Fabian Köster supports BMDV safety initiative #mehrAchtung
Köster talks with road users about consideration and respect in traffic. In dialogue with the people, he sheds light on everyday traffic from different perspectives.
Like in Real Life
In each episode, Fabian Köster explores the world of a different road user. He faces the daily challenges that, for example, a truck driver, a driving instructor, and a bus driver experience.
For instance, truck driver Daniela Rohde – from the Kabel Eins series "Trucker Babes" – impressively shows him how quickly someone can unintentionally end up in her blind spot. Additionally, he looks over the shoulders of the towing service duo Angela and Guido Dentz from the RTL2 series “Die Abschlepper” while they work.
Tips for Road Traffic
In conversations, the comedian learns what moves his interview partners and what tips they have for more attention and respect in road traffic. These experiences also leave an impression on Köster:
"With the microphone, I don't shy away from any street fight. But in road traffic, I will take it easier in the future," says Fabian Köster. "#mehrAchtung is a great opportunity for me to promote respect and consideration in daily road traffic – a concern that is really close to my heart."
Publication and Further Information
All episodes of the series will be available on the website and on the YouTube channel of “Runter vom Gas.” Additionally, short clips from the video series will be successively released on Instagram and Facebook until the end of the year.
Translated automatically from German.Elektromobilität , Newsletter Elektromobilität , IAA Mobility , SUVs und Geländewagen , Hybrid , Antriebsarten, Kraftstoffe und Emissionen , Oberklasse- und Sportwagen , Carsharing , Autonomes Fahren (Straßenverkehr) , Ladeinfrastruktur , Verkehrspolitik , Formel E , Brennstoffzellen , Fahrzeug-Vernetzung und -Kommunikation , Fahrzeuge & Fuhrpark , Automotive-Messen & Veranstaltungen , Pkw, Kompakt- und Mittelklasse , Minis und Kleinwagen , E-Auto-Datenbank, E-Mobilität-/Automotive-Newsletter, E-Auto-Tests