City toll in New York halted shortly before start
A planned city toll, which has existed in metropolises like London or Stockholm for some time, has been stopped in New York just a few weeks before its intended introduction. "After careful consideration, I have come to the difficult decision that the introduction of the planned system risks too many unintended consequences," New York's Governor Kathy Hochul announced via video on Wednesday.
There are concerns that a city toll could possibly hinder the still ongoing recovery of New York's economy and population from the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, Hochul further stated. She has therefore instructed the New York transit authority MTA to "pause the program indefinitely".
New York was actually supposed to become the first city in the USA to introduce a congestion charge starting at the end of June. For most cars, a fee of 15 dollars (about 14 euros) would have been due during the day if they drove into a zone that, with few exceptions, encompasses the entire southern part of Manhattan up to 60th Street. The plan was many years in the making.
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