
CDU MEPs Call for Social Leasing and Staying the Course on Fleet Emission Limits

(dpa/jr) The sales of electric cars are stalling, and now a proposal for social leasing support is coming from CDU circles. However, a certain group is not supposed to benefit. Maintaining the course with fleet limits and EU emissions trading is part of the electric ramp-up.


Electric vehicles instead of combustion engines: CDU-EU parliamentarians want to push e-mobility, including through social leasing - while maintaining fleet limits for conventional vehicles. | Photo: ADAC
Electric vehicles instead of combustion engines: CDU-EU parliamentarians want to push e-mobility, including through social leasing - while maintaining fleet limits for conventional vehicles. | Photo: ADAC

Those who earn little should in the future be able to lease electric cars more cheaply, according to the wishes of two CDU members of the European Parliament. Climate politician Peter Liese and social politician Dennis Radtke (both CDU) want a model similar to one already well-used in France, but with restrictions: the support should not go to recipients of citizen's income, the two deputies announced. 

The beneficiaries should be employees, small self-employed individuals, as well as pensioners. The income limit for the support should be set at an annual salary of 43,750 euros - which corresponds to the current median wage. Additionally, it should be possible to design the support so that Chinese manufacturers do not benefit from it.

Criticism of the Traffic Light Coalition's Electric Promotion: Social Imbalance

"It is precisely those who strive and still have difficulties that need our support in the transition to e-mobility," said Radtke. He and his colleague Liese criticize a company car promotion as proposed by the federal government as a measure, "which is attractive for the boss, but brings nothing for the ordinary employee." The limit here is for e-cars up to 95,000 euros. Special write-offs would also bring little because most company cars are leased, as the CDU politicians recently complained in the Süddeutsche Zeitung.



Recently, SPD deputy parliamentary group leader Detlef Müller also showed openness to a model like the one from France. He told the German Press Agency, "It must also be examined to what extent small and medium-class electric cars from European manufacturers can be specifically promoted based on the French model, to contribute to the drive transition and strengthening of the automotive industry."

Model in France "so-so"

Germany's neighbor has started state leasing of electric models from 100 euros per month this year. The offer is aimed at people with low incomes who depend on a car for work and live at least 15 kilometers away from their workplace. However, it is reportedly not being well-received in France because a limit of 15,400 euros excludes middle incomes.

Fleet Limits and Emissions Trading Are Interdependent

However, Liese dismissed industry demands to suspend fleet limits for 2025 as "grossly exaggerated." In doing so, he opposes his own faction in the EU Parliament. The 2025 targets are not overly ambitious. In addition, the regimes for fleet limits and EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) are interdependent and complementary: Without emissions trading, fleet limits could be counterproductive. If they were tightened, people might continue driving their old vehicles. And emissions trading without fleet limits could lead to a sudden increase in fuel prices without there being a sufficiently attractive range of affordable electric cars, Liese warned in the SZ.

Translated automatically from German.

