
Brandenburg gets a mobility law and wants to strengthen the environmental network

From supply-oriented planning to a nationwide target network for cycling and public transport: Brandenburg's first mobility law is primarily intended to strengthen the environmental alliance. Priority over car traffic.

More public transport & cycling, fewer cars: Brandenburg has also passed a mobility law, following Berlin, NRW, and Hessen. | Photo: ADFC/Fischer-Schultz
More public transport & cycling, fewer cars: Brandenburg has also passed a mobility law, following Berlin, NRW, and Hessen. | Photo: ADFC/Fischer-Schultz

The state of Brandenburg has passed a mobility law, following Berlin, NRW, and Hesse, which aims primarily to strengthen the environmentally friendly modes of public transport, cycling, and walking. The Alliance for Transport Transformation Brandenburg, the Ministry of Transport, and the governing parliamentary groups had been working on this since the end of 2021. In the end, a compromise was reached to strengthen the environmentally friendly mobility in the state and prioritize it over car traffic.

“With the mobility law, Brandenburg finally receives a legal basis for cycling and walking after Berlin, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Hesse. This is an important step towards equalizing modes of transport and a crucial prerequisite for making the switch to cycling more attractive,” explains Christian Wessel, Deputy Chairman of ADFC Brandenburg, who had helped initiate the law.

With the mobility law, Brandenburg receives for the first time a legal basis for cycling and walking and establishes the goal of environmentally, socially, and climate-friendly mobility, which is also safe, barrier-free, and non-discriminatory. Among other things, the law links the development of mobility with climate goals and thus creates a legal foundation for climate-neutral mobility by no later than 2045. It also establishes the principle of “maintenance before new construction” for the country roads in Brandenburg.

A statewide target network for cyclists shall emerge

It has also been enshrined in law that cycling should become so attractive throughout the state that more people choose to cycle in their daily lives. The number of trips made by bicycle should double. For this purpose, the “Brandenburg Bicycle Network” is to create a statewide, comprehensive cycling network with continuous, safe, attractive, direct, and comfortable cycling connections. The ADFC Brandenburg recently published its proposal on this.

Public Transport to be Planned Based on Supply

Together with the new Mobility Act, changes to the Public Transport and Road Act were also passed. Thus, public transport is to be planned based on supply in the future. For this purpose, public transport is to be expanded, sensibly timed, and interconnected in such a way that it offers an alternative to the car for as many people as possible. Additionally, a nationwide public transport network is to be developed. The Transportation Alliance Brandenburg aims to have the Public Transport Act integrated into the Mobility Act. The coalition factions want to have this legally examined.

28,000 People Signed for the Popular Initiative

The Transportation Alliance Brandenburg is a coalition of Brandenburg transport and environmental associations, unions, and youth organizations. It was initiated by Brandenburg state associations of the ADFC, BUND, and VCD. It is the sponsor of the successful popular initiative "Transportation Transition Brandenburg Now!", which was launched in 2019. It called for a comprehensive Mobility Act for climate-friendly, safe, and affordable mobility. A total of 28,000 people supported the cause and signed for the popular initiative. At the end of 2021, at the behest of the state parliament, the state government then initiated the dialogue process with the alliance.

Translated automatically from German.

