
Blubrake: ABS for the E-Cargobike

Italian start-up company developed an ABS that could have a beneficial effect specifically in e-cargo bikes.

Stopping faster: The ABS from Blubrake performed flawlessly in initial tests by VM, allowing one to come to a safe stop even on split surfaces. | Photo: Bluebrake
Stopping faster: The ABS from Blubrake performed flawlessly in initial tests by VM, allowing one to come to a safe stop even on split surfaces. | Photo: Bluebrake
Johannes Reichel

The Italian start-up company Blubrake has now introduced an anti-lock braking system (ABS) for e-cargo bikes for the first time, which is meant to make these booming means of transport significantly safer. The exponential growth in the use of cargo bikes in logistics and individual mobility also requires higher safety standards for these bikes, argues the provider. According to the City Changer Cargo Bike Project, sales increased by 53 percent in 2020. The provider sees cargo bikes in general as a "crucial driver of the urban mobility revolution" and "last mile" logistics.

High speed and weight: Blockage critical

Given the background of transporting heavy loads and relatively high speeds, the braking process on e-cargo bikes is an especially critical moment. This is particularly true when the transport box is empty and abrupt or unforeseen braking leads to instability, skidding, and loss of control. The system is also supposed to offer more safety on slippery surfaces or in poor weather conditions.

"For these vehicles, the braking process is a particularly delicate moment. Cargo e-bikes are heavier and often faster than normal e-bikes and tend to be unstable, especially when empty. The ABS prevents the front wheel from locking, prevents skidding, and gives the bike more stability," explains Fabio Todeschini, founder and CEO of Blubrake.

The ABS is envisioned by the provider to become the standard for e-cargo bikes. A sensor measures the speed of the front wheel and transmits the information to a control unit. Based on the measurements from the speed sensor and the accelerometers within the frame, this unit calculates the bike's dynamics and aims to identify potentially dangerous situations. In such hazardous scenarios, the actuator intervenes and controls the hydraulic pressure of the front brake, ensuring a smooth braking process and increased stability and controllability of the e-cargo bike.

Suitable for all types of e-cargo bikes

The ABS is suitable for all types of e-cargo bikes and is designed as an open system, compatible with all commercially available hydraulic brakes and drive systems from other providers. A patented AI system is intended to further prepare the system for various surfaces, such as gravel, cobblestone, foliage, or during rain and snow. The goal of this technology is not only to make the e-cargo bike an environmentally friendly mode of transport but also a particularly safe one. With this, its scaled deployment in both individual mobility and urban logistics would face no obstacles, believes the provider.

Read a first driving report with the innovative system soon on VM!

Translated automatically from German.

