
Auto Club ACE – When Does a Weak E-Car Battery Become a Warranty Case?

Modern electric car drive batteries typically last the entire lifespan of the vehicle. Nevertheless, it can happen that the range of an electric car decreases significantly over time or suddenly. How to deal with a loss of range and when the manufacturer's warranty applies is now being informed by the Automobile Club Europe e.V..

The most expensive component of an electric car is the battery - therefore, one should be aware of the warranty conditions regarding the battery. | Stock photo: Volkswagen
The most expensive component of an electric car is the battery - therefore, one should be aware of the warranty conditions regarding the battery. | Stock photo: Volkswagen

A drop in range does not always mean a defect. The range of an electric car depends on various factors and can fluctuate temporarily. It is influenced, for example, by energy consumption in the car, driving behavior, and temperature. It is also normal for battery capacity not to remain at new car levels long-term, even under ideal conditions. Just like with a smartphone or a laptop, the drive battery of an electric car loses some of its performance over time. The permanent yet normal loss of battery capacity is caused on one hand by charging and discharging. Especially in the first year, battery health often suffers somewhat more than in the following years.

On the other hand, wear and tear also occurs through mere aging – even if the car is hardly driven or not driven at all. If the range decreases permanently below 70 or 80 percent compared to the time of delivery – depending on the model and warranty conditions – the battery may be covered under warranty.

Warranty conditions must be observed

Electric car owners should be thoroughly familiar with the warranty conditions, recommends the ACE. When purchasing a new vehicle, buyers should obtain all documents related to the warranty and read them carefully. Some manufacturers deviate from the usual eight-year warranty period and only offer five or even three years of warranty on the battery, but ten years, 250,000 kilometers or more are possible. However, the voluntary performance of the manufacturer is often bound to rigorous requirements, which can easily be violated in everyday life. If instructions from the user manual are not followed, the warranty may become void, and modifications to the vehicle can also void the warranty. Usually, the warranty conditions concern the charging behavior. This means that: Those who do not charge as specified by the manufacturer risk warranty restrictions. The manufacturer may, for example, specify how often quick-charging stations can be used.

Precautionary Documentation Helps in Case of Warranty Claims

To be well-prepared in the event of a warranty claim, it is best to also save statements in advertising brochures or screenshots of advertisements. Prospective buyers should also document the seller's promises in writing and have them confirmed with a signature. In the case of buying a used car, the classic, vehicle-bound manufacturer's warranty is transferred to the new buyer. But even if the warranty is still valid according to the warranty period and mileage – it is difficult to ascertain whether all the manufacturer's warranty conditions were adhered to by the previous owner.

Although a well-maintained service book and a reasonably high remaining capacity of the battery may indicate this, the previous charging behavior, for example, remains unclear. To mitigate the risk of being stuck with the costs in the event of battery damage, the ACE recommends closely examining the manufacturer's warranty conditions. It is best to have the car seller precisely confirm that all of the manufacturer's warranty conditions have been complied with.

Who ultimately bears the costs for a battery repair always needs to be clarified individually and is strongly dependent on the goodwill of the manufacturer. However, whether the claim is covered by the warranty or a remedy of defects by the seller and whether claims against the manufacturer due to special warranties are included, must be individually checked in the General Terms and Conditions.

Repair or Complete Replacement

The battery is the most expensive component in an electric car, with a complete replacement costing several thousand to several tens of thousands of euros depending on the car model. Even when the warranty applies, new batteries are rarely installed. This is because a battery replacement is often not necessary. Usually, a more cost-effective repair, where only the defective cells in the battery are replaced, is sufficient.

The costs for a repair vary depending on the type of defect but are generally lower than those for a complete battery replacement. Those who can no longer benefit from the warranty should therefore visit a specialist workshop that focuses on battery repairs. You can also request a repair at your own expense from the manufacturer – ideally with a cost estimate to compare various offers.

What does this mean?

A reduced battery capacity is not a complete defect – no consequential damage results from the mere loss of range. Most current models are designed for a mileage of about 800,000 kilometers, so a significant drop in battery performance is relatively rare. However: although electric vehicles usually automatically store information on charging behavior, ACE strongly recommends documenting the charging cycles yourself.

Translated automatically from German.

