ADAC Analysis: Pay Attention to Charging Flap Position - Often Impractical on the Left Rear
The automobile club ADAC has examined the charging port position on 235 electric vehicles and identified clear trends. Especially vehicles where the socket is located in the rear area on the driver's side can cause problems when charging on the street: The cable has to be pulled around the entire car, often gets tensioned, and the flap and cable frequently protrude into the street, the automobile club criticizes.
According to the investigation, there are six different charging port positions used in electric cars, three of which seem to be gaining ground in the market. The study looked at 235 vehicles, including 157 currently available models. The socket for the charging cable is most frequently found in the rear on the passenger side (86 vehicles, 37 percent), followed by the rear on the driver's side (65 vehicles, 28 percent) and the front on the driver's side (41 vehicles, 17 percent). So-called nose loaders, which have the charging connection in the center of the front, rank fourth with nine percent of all examined models (20 vehicles).
Passenger-Side Mostly Practical
The charging flap on the passenger side proves to be practical in most cases. Especially when charging in public spaces, where the parking spaces are arranged parallel to the street, the cable can be easily plugged in here and, unlike the charging flap on the driver’s side, does not protrude into the street. However, in narrow garages where parking close to the wall is necessary, access to the connector can be a bit more difficult; here, vehicles with the socket on the driver’s side have an advantage.
Fast-charging stations are usually approached perpendicular to the street and are often placed between two parking spaces. They offer optimal connection options for vehicles with the charging port at the front. If the socket is mounted on the side of the car, maneuvering and possibly reversing may be required. Depending on the available parking space, it can happen that the heavy DC charging cable needs to be plugged in under tension or is too short.
Consider in Purchase Decision
The ADAC advises prospective electric car buyers not to overlook the position of the charging flap when making a purchase decision. Especially if there is no wall box yet, it should be checked before purchasing where the charging station can be well positioned at the home parking space. In principle, with a view to future vehicle acquisitions, wall boxes should be installed so that ideally as many different charging flap positions as possible can be conveniently reached.
Those who primarily charge at public charging stations in urban areas should opt for a vehicle with a charging port on the passenger side. Regardless, customers should preferably choose a longer charging cable when purchasing one. The mobility club recommends seven to eight meters.
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