
Acxiom Survey: Germans Want Sustainable Mobility - But by Car

(ots) A study shows: Environmental awareness in mobility is an increasingly important factor for more and more Germans. Germans are ready for the transportation transition, but the car remains important for mobility.

Sustainable, but still with a car: That is the conclusion of a representative survey by Acxiom among the German population. | Photo: dpa/Jan Woitas
Sustainable, but still with a car: That is the conclusion of a representative survey by Acxiom among the German population. | Photo: dpa/Jan Woitas
Johannes Reichel

The consumer intelligence company Acxiom has determined in a representative study the attitude of German motorists towards electric cars and hybrid vehicles, as well as their willingness to switch from cars to other modes of transport. The interest in sustainable mobility is high among consumers. 34.8 percent of those surveyed consider environmental friendliness when choosing their mode of transportation. However, for many respondents, the traffic transition does not automatically mean giving up the car. Almost half (49.9 percent) of those surveyed associate the car with a sense of independence.

Traffic Infrastructure Does Not Convince Germans

The majority of respondents (61.3 percent) pragmatically view the car as an important means of transportation to get from point A to point B. 46 percent of those surveyed stated that they are dependent on the car because the traffic infrastructure is poorly developed. Looking at the individual federal states, it becomes evident that respondents, especially in the extensive states of Saarland (75 percent), Thuringia (65.4 percent), and Bavaria (58.6 percent), hold this view. In comparison, only 12.2 percent of respondents in Berlin see the car as necessary, as well as the Bremer (12.5 percent) and the Hamburgers at 24 percent. It does not matter whether it is a combustion engine, electric car, or hybrid vehicle.

Germany ticket continues to perform well

11 million Germans have already purchased the Germany ticket. The Acxiom survey shows that there are even more interested parties. 40.5 percent believe that traveling by train is more environmentally friendly than driving a car. Far more would buy it if the city's or region's transportation infrastructure fully met the mobility needs and demands of the Germans. 43.1 percent of respondents can envision using public transportation more often if it were more reliable and the infrastructure in general were better. Therefore, one-third use the car when it cannot be avoided. If there are alternatives, 30 percent also gladly use the bicycle or walk.

Savings and environmental friendliness are decisive in vehicle purchases

In addition to train travel, electric cars are also considered an environmentally friendly alternative to internal combustion engines. 26.6 percent of Germans are convinced of this. They consciously decide to purchase an electric car. The main purchasing factors for the respondents are fuel savings (for 63.4 percent), tax benefits (56.4 percent), and environmental friendliness (52.5 percent).

Even as used cars, electric vehicles are becoming increasingly interesting. 77.6 percent of respondents do not rule out such a purchase for themselves. Additionally, Acxiom's e-mobility study shows that the political discussions of recent years have left a significant mark. More than one-third (32.7 percent) are concerned that cities may soon impose driving bans on internal combustion engines.

Translated automatically from German.

