
ACE calls for sustainable and affordable mobility - Electrification essential

(ots) The mobility club calls for a forward-looking transport policy and focuses on sustainability, safety, and affordability in a position paper. E-mobility, speed limit, public transport expansion.

Electric is crucial: The ACE is advocating strongly for e-mobility and is also focusing on the expansion of public transport. | Photo: Hermes
Electric is crucial: The ACE is advocating strongly for e-mobility and is also focusing on the expansion of public transport. | Photo: Hermes

The European Mobility Club ACE has published a position paper for the 2025 federal election. In it, it calls for concrete transport policy measures to make mobility in Germany socially equitable, environmentally friendly, and sustainable. The paper addresses key issues such as transport infrastructure, electromobility, traffic safety, and public transport (ÖPNV).

"Mobility is a cornerstone of social participation," emphasizes Stefan Heimlich, Chairman of the ACE.

We face major challenges - whether it is achieving climate targets, modernizing our transport infrastructure, or ensuring mobility in rural areas. In our demand paper, we outline what is politically necessary to overcome these challenges.

"Sustainability, safety, and affordability must not be opposites, but must go hand in hand. In particular, the expansion of electromobility and public transport is essential for successfully shaping the transport revolution," Heimlich continued.

At the same time, the transport infrastructure must be repaired in a timely manner, as any delay drives up costs.

"The next few years will determine whether Germany becomes a pioneer of sustainable transport policy or falls behind," warned the ACE chief.

    The ACE position paper calls for:

    • Renovate and secure traffic infrastructure in the long term: Prioritization of maintenance measures and multi-year financing of transport routes
    • Promote electromobility: Introduction of social purchase premiums for affordable electric vehicles and consistent expansion of charging infrastructure, especially in rural areas
    • Implement Vision Zero: Introduction of a speed limit of 130 km/h on highways and stronger promotion of traffic safety measures
    • Raise awareness of the effects of cannabis, alcohol, and the like on driving ability: Increase funding for prevention and educational campaigns
    • Implement a public transport revolution: Massive expansion of local public transport offerings and introduction of a nationwide social ticket
    Translated automatically from German.

