2nd Quarter: Six EU countries have only approved zero-emission city buses
The share of locally emission-free buses in the European city bus market is growing. In the second quarter of 2023, it was 40% – compared to 30% in the first quarter of the year and for the entire year of 2022. The sales figures were published by Eamonn Mulholland, Associate Researcher at the International Council on Clean Transportation (icct), on LinkedIn. The source of the figures is Chatrou CME Solutions. Six European member states approved only emission-free city buses in this quarter: Netherlands, Denmark, Slovenia, Ireland, Finland, and Portugal. Additionally, the number was over 95% in Sweden.
38% E-Buses
The European Commission has proposed a goal of allowing 100% emission-free buses by 2030. Current market trends show that this is an achievable endeavor, as the sale of combustion engine city buses is already ending in more and more countries. (Eamonn Mulholland on LinkedIn)
Of the 40% newly registered locally emission-free buses, 38% are fully electric vehicles, while the share of fuel cell buses is increasing in some countries – particularly the Netherlands, Great Britain, Germany, and France – but remains low at 2%. Germany is in the lower midfield in Europe for the approval of fully electric city buses. Currently, diesel-electric hybrids dominate here, while pure diesel buses make up just over 20% of the market. In contrast, Italy, France, and Luxembourg primarily rely on CNG buses.
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